Friday, April 11, 2008

The Lion King 3 - That's all I need (Danish)

Duration: 03:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-31 16:19:32

"That's All I need" in Danish - Enjoy :: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING - THIS IS OWNED BY DISNEY!::


viskey1  2008-04-08 12:08:49

The Swedish is better
Oinarisama  2008-04-07 05:48:33

Lol i totally forgot about this movie. Timon and Uncle Max sound much better in danish compared to english in my oppinion.
Krokodillemille  2008-03-31 00:23:36

hehe ^^
RatsterZoo  2008-03-30 16:17:57

Er det fra 3'eren eller en af Timon og Pumba afsnittene?
kyokathrine  2008-03-30 12:31:45

Præcis mester ...for den verden derude er fuld af fare...FULD SIGER JEG DIG

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