Friday, April 4, 2008

Six High-Def Movies Streaming from One RAID 5 Server

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-10 21:21:36

Server with a RAID 5 controller and eight drives streaming Constantine and Island high def XVID movies simultaneously to six AOpen MiniPC clients.


UFGrayMatter  2008-03-11 18:27:34

stream BluRay iso's and I'll be impressed
ddode23  2008-02-18 19:44:27

I'm about to build something simmilar in a Lian Li V2100. Are you running a sigle RAID accross 8 drives or 2 4 drive RAIDs. What disk size did you go for?
keldererik  2007-12-13 13:00:16

Is it for educational purpose? Im just curious. And what type of harddisks are used in this raid setup?
varunmitroo  2007-12-13 01:28:37

Two words: DVD jukebox. Each of those small silver boxes is a full computer sharing those movies over a gigabit network. When those computers are installed in their final locations as part of this custom installation, they will be able to view any of the movies stored on the server simultaneously.
keldererik  2007-12-12 15:50:49

very nice system there! But why would you want to do that? Nice nonetheless

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