Saturday, April 5, 2008

Super Smash Brothers Brawl - Map Playthrough - FinalDest.

Duration: 06:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-14 23:01:16

Title won't fit again lol. Well, by map playthrough I mean Waluigi68 and I play through every map. If we make it we may play through it, if we have/unlock it, we record it. I'm Crow, Waluigi58 is Skar. Watch in higher quality: No, it's not a new video. It's the same one. If you want your videos to be higher quality, add the tag &fmt=18 when you watch it at the end of your videos URL. If you have slow internet connection it will buffer slowly. If it's fast, it will buffer a little slower.


SupremeVizardLord  2008-03-15 22:36:59

thanks =)
mario11168  2008-03-15 10:24:00

If you post videos as a video response you will get a lot more views and a lot less flaming.
SupremeVizardLord  2008-03-15 08:36:05

cool vid im gonna make a couple of smash bros. brawl videos of my freinds and I's tournament today pls watch
prisoner109  2008-03-14 23:54:59

woot first post

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