Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Everything - Michael Buble

Duration: 328 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-25 12:13:24
User: whisperbox
:::: Favorites

A music video for Jess Chen and our one year anniversary.

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mathmaia ::: Favorites
great work... congratulations!!!!!!
07-06-21 09:40:52
jcv44wf ::: Favorites
Very well done. Definitely entertaining. It's evident there's a lot of work and talent and of course money involved here. It's amazing what a lot of free time and money can produce among what appears to be a bunch high school kids of affluent asians, living in Westchester Co., NY. Yes I'm jealous. Nonetheless, it's good, no doubt about it.
07-06-21 12:18:44
whisperbox ::: Favorites
Thanks - but actually, I don't spend any money on these videos at all, and all the equipment I use is old and the software is free. As for free time, you just need to take a day and do it, and not waste the other time you have.
07-06-21 12:31:15
jcv44wf ::: Favorites
I didn't mean to offend you in anyway. Whatever animosity I may have projected in my comment was just some envy talking; I wish I could do this kind of thing. I probably could as you say if I just put my mind to it. But, it does seem from the background (houses, cars etc.) that you're not hurting. That's good. I'm glad for you. You're fortunate. Peace
07-06-21 12:38:09
lacampeona857 ::: Favorites
That so made my day ! So cute :)
07-06-25 14:33:45
aldwinckle1965 ::: Favorites
Really cool video, What software did you use to create it. We all found it really funny, when is the next video =]
07-06-30 06:53:55
whisperbox ::: Favorites
Hey, thanks for the kind words. I used Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0, although I think you could probably use any video-editing software to do what I did. I haven't started planning for the next video yet, but check out the rest of my music videos on my Whisperbox Music Videos playlist. My website will be up soon too. Thanks again for commenting!
07-07-02 22:24:07
BibahBob ::: Favorites
Awesome Video! I like diz one very much... good mix beetwen d video n d music!
07-07-17 11:16:32
FDJ26 ::: Favorites
Lovely video !!! <3
07-07-21 09:56:23
mazmaz07 ::: Favorites
am in love
07-07-24 08:54:12

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