Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Duration: 38 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-26 01:15:59
User: samelf
:::: Favorites

Nice Animation Mock Up Of Apple's highly anticiapted iPhone Enjoy Update: The Official Apple iPhone has been released. Thanks to everyone who commented on this video!

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laostar95 ::: Favorites
is it fake
07-04-11 22:13:04
wonderbread93 ::: Favorites
i wish that was wat the real 1 is like
07-04-15 14:49:25
JackassBoy1337 ::: Favorites
ha, yeah, that was great cgi, though
07-04-16 21:58:02
djnetmen ::: Favorites
sounds like you're talking about MICROSOFT
07-05-12 00:42:59
matthewisthebest ::: Favorites
thats nice. and howd you come to that conclusion. or is that an opinion based off of nothing.
07-06-06 03:52:40
matthewisthebest ::: Favorites
how is it better. it doesnt make sense why th eapple logo is so big and the clickwheel is raised. whats with the way it flips out. just wierd.
07-06-06 03:53:50
Pontiax ::: Favorites
Its based on fact too many people are so blissfully unaware of..but I don't really care, I get a good laugh out of people saying "I just bought this new I-whatever" Then weeks, days or even hours later saying "Oh dear my I-whatever just broke/isn't working" =]
07-06-06 23:58:06
jabberwolf ::: Favorites
Based off false advertising. Based off of high prices Based off of citing innovation when they steal from others. We just assume MS takes ideas from others but doesn't try to claim it like Apple does. Based off of DRM enforcement that iTunes brought to the masses and now pretends to be against it while tagging non DRM files with personal tags. Based off of small market share for a good reason. ITS A BULLSHIT COMPANY !!! Would you like o continue because there is are many more "based on's" !!!
07-06-07 18:05:22
H0B0J03 ::: Favorites
i fully agree.
07-07-02 09:53:43
backtalker ::: Favorites
dam strait (agree)
07-07-03 01:09:48

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