Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blunty's Willy Wonky

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 05:28:03
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

* Correction: reports of Derryn Hinch's demise were greatly exaggerated. He's still with us but announced a few weeks ago that he has inoperable cancer of the liver. Dropping a sexy boobie shot in the middle of your footage so it shows up as the thumbnail is one thing but taking a photo of your dick sheathed in a sock?

marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-08-22 03:19:27
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Nope. But I had to see where he was going with "Cock in a Sock" - to YouTube's blacklist it seems.
07-08-22 02:41:56
NutCheese ::: Favorites
I am offended... you actually watch blunty?
07-08-21 20:48:39
carolperez ::: Favorites
thats when he's not blowing apple and pimping whoever for whatever
07-08-21 18:03:26
Skaramine ::: Favorites
I was a subscriber before the boob stunt, and your quality has never faltered.
07-08-21 15:16:40
wallyworld ::: Favorites
07-08-21 14:56:36
wallyworld ::: Favorites
I think you'll find he has been told. By many. Perhaps he's going for the title "Most hated person on YouTube".
07-08-21 14:56:02
wallyworld ::: Favorites
For how much longer I wonder?
07-08-21 14:54:48
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Sir Anthony Blunt was also an aristocratic English art expert and traitor who worked for the KGB. More intellectual than this lightweight Tasmanian pseud.
07-08-21 14:54:28
wallyworld ::: Favorites
You forgot "pompous, self-opionated, ego-tripping, smarmy, know-all, sneering" and quite a few other words.
07-08-21 14:47:49

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