Thursday, August 30, 2007


Duration: 00:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-16 10:00:48
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

Chopper Read for 'Fizzer'

RealParisHilton ::: Favorites
Is this guy for real or an actor? Does he want a job as my bodyguard?
07-01-16 10:28:18
wallyworld ::: Favorites
I wish I'd tagged it "Watch Fizzer or Get Whacked".
07-01-17 15:00:16
jimjamkillsnerds ::: Favorites
hes for real
07-03-04 06:42:01
BARONSAMEDI242 ::: Favorites
The guy is real, and he's a dangerous motherfucker. Once won a fistfight by gouging out the other guy's eye. Cut his own ears off to get out of a certain cellblock and into another. In short, NOT someone to fuck with.
07-04-06 03:09:28
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Make that "psychopathic motherfucker".
07-04-06 04:30:18

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