Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bush in Albania, the truth about his watch

Duration: 44 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-13 05:42:27
User: tuklani
:::: Favorites

Was his wristwatch really stolen? See for yourself.

AlbanianGirl28 ::: Favorites
haha u bastards !no one stole his watch happy now thats the proof!so stop talkin rubish
07-06-28 11:26:12
ARHANGEL75 ::: Favorites
Yes USA love moslem,they first love AVganistan,after that Iran and you know how finish Avganistan,Albanian is next
07-06-30 12:20:04
unclemitso ::: Favorites
stolen or taken off so as not to be stolen. same shit. either way he knows hes surrounded by theives
07-07-07 13:10:30
UnBorN91 ::: Favorites
You mother fucker you can see now the proof so shut your fucking mouth up!!!Proud To be an Albanian!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-08 11:36:30
nesti89 ::: Favorites
there you have it u fuckin bitches, shut ur fuckin mouth now ALBOZ 4 LIFE =]
07-07-09 21:59:32
burrelsiii ::: Favorites
FUCK greeks FUCK serbs  FUCK rusians FUCK all of you haters ALBANIANS FOREVER We dont rob our friends we rob motherfuckers like sllavs and greeks FUCK YOU JEALOUS CUNTS
07-07-10 10:03:34
Grosste ::: Favorites
did you see mother fucker,that watch was not stolen!we would do that never,because he was gut respected by us albaniens..and you serb mother fuckers dont by upsed that the biggest president and strongest state in world is our biggest frend,and he will help us to do our state.also passt auf ihr vlahen von uns weil in nachsten jahren wir werden sogar bei euch kommen wo damals unsere land war...ihr wisst schon dass ihr unsere land okupiert habt im 6jahr hundert wo von karpaten gekommen seit..
07-07-16 15:01:41
doonvito ::: Favorites
@holySErbia Pa ti pitaj narod na Bosnu sto ste pravele da ti jebam sve spisok na svadu tebe pa vie masakrirate deca da vi jebam ebanata naciju pravite vojna protiv deca i zeni UNITED STATES OF ALBANIA
07-07-18 14:20:54
detectosoretes ::: Favorites
Even if someone stole de watch, we should take it with humor. The Albanian people showed friendship for the USA, in this case represented by it's President. I respect the Albanian people because of that. Their friendship with the USA will be more advantageous that a frienship with some Muslim loser state or some retrograd uncivilized Balkan state.
07-07-18 14:26:20
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