Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Spotlight on DocRusty

Duration: 164 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-27 08:22:36
User: ChannelReviews
:::: Favorites

A video spotlight on the channel DocRusty.

DocRusty ::: Favorites
I don't know why, but I'm giving this 5 stars and favouriting it's ass off! Your loyalty to Wigwam Industries will not go unrewarded and if you ever need anyone tortured/exterminated, please don't hesitate to call. Thanks for Keeping It Wigwam!
07-02-27 10:40:21
LuizPrower ::: Favorites
wow...see this is why i suck at searching. well, i can thank you for showing me an awesome channel. now to...*is shot*
07-02-27 10:46:54
v6tempest ::: Favorites
interesting I'm going to have to check this channel out
07-02-27 14:11:58
welcomestranger ::: Favorites
I'm sorry, did I hear you say it was just your EARLY videos that were crap? Ahhh... nice spotlight... consider me subscribed!
07-02-28 07:12:48
ChannelReviews ::: Favorites
Oh, how dare you. Remember, you're also on the radar for a spotlight and any more of this sass, and I'll turn on you in a heartbeat buster!!
07-02-28 07:18:23
TheJoyofSOF ::: Favorites
A good review, and just in time. Your life will now be spared.
07-02-28 21:43:22
bobkarla ::: Favorites
so you watch him too... Livewire-
07-03-04 02:57:29
latequartet ::: Favorites
Appreciate your reviews, many thanks.
07-03-12 18:46:46
UtubiaPresident ::: Favorites
Very interesting.
07-03-21 12:52:12
missuscake ::: Favorites
Sometime I feel like an idiot for not being able to find tons of cool videos on here but you help alot
07-05-31 10:39:20

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