Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Corrupt Federal Reserve - Robbing Americans Since 1913 (1/2)

Duration: 566 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-12 04:07:35
User: tyrannyofsoulz
:::: Favorites

_Expand for Part 1 and 2_ The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor a Reserve. Owned by a corrupt group of International Bankers, it is a privately owned monopoly, largely responsible for creating America's National Debt. It is also a parasitic and unnecessary entity that literally creates American currency out of nothing and then collects interest on the backs of taxpayers for doing so. Help bring down the illegal Federal Reserve: _______________________________________ Part 1: Corrupt Federal Reserve - Robbing Americans Since 1913 Part 2: CFR - The Secret Government _______________________________________ LINKS and REFERENCES: 1. Illegal IRS: The Unmasked deceptions of the Internal Revenue Service which is privately owned and actually operates out of "Puerto Rico", with "agents" who represent them in the US (31 Questions and Answers with legal references): 2. Recommended Documentary: "America: From Freedom to Fascism" 3. The Shrinking Value of the Dollar: 4. Many homeless Middle Class are living in their cars; from a New York Times article story on the "mobile homeless": 5. "...that plush North American lifestyle to which we've all grown accustomed has been bought on credit, and the bill is rapidly nearing its due date." 20050307_101541_101541 6. "Former World Bank Vice President, Chief Economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz has predicted a global economic crash" lobalcrash.htm 7. "As the US current-account deficit rose over the past half-decade, international economists have lined up to predict doom" - J. Bradford DeLong, Professor of Economics & former Assistant US Treasury Secretary. 8. "The reason we cannot accomplish this seemingly simple task of balancing currency with production is that our government does not exercise its sovereign prerogative of controlling the money supply" --Business Week: by Mark Weisbrot 9. Creating the 'North American Union': tml _______________________________________ WHO OWNS THE FEDERAL RESERVE? The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs and the Rockefeller families. _______________________________________ Additional Tags: tyrranyofsouls tyrannyofsouls doj Ed and Elaine Brown of Plainfield

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tyrannyofsoulz ::: Favorites
soopsje, There is no music in this video.
07-07-13 14:39:30
soopsje ::: Favorites
tyrannyofsoulz ;-), well there is, at least when I play the clip... And in the beginning it is too loud, as I said. How strange that you do not recieve the music.
07-07-15 15:31:39
soopsje ::: Favorites
Interesting. I am right now playing the video again because you said there was no music. And there is no music this time...spooky
07-07-15 15:35:47
tyrannyofsoulz ::: Favorites
I checked it and there's no music. Maybe you had another vid playing in the background at the same time.
07-07-15 16:02:45
iiifotoniii ::: Favorites
****EMERGENCY******* Go To: WakingMinds . Org Concerned Citizens from across the Nation are Spawning Web Alerts in an attempt to get around the Mass Media Machine. Go To: WakingMinds . Org For more info. This is not about money.
07-07-16 01:22:23
popcan19 ::: Favorites
The internet is 1 thing they didnt see coming. Im glad the message is finnaly getting around.
07-07-17 06:41:49
brechindo ::: Favorites
"People are waking up"?! Oh, yeah, NOW they are. After we're $9 TRILLION in debt and after our elected officials have been bribed for 95 years to screw us. Now you're waking up? TOO FUCKING LATE, guys. That's like "waking up" in Monopoly when one guy owns 90% of the property. TOO LATE! YOU LOSE!
07-07-25 22:19:50
insidebetween ::: Favorites
If America is a democracy, then why do we have a ruling class who are the bankers who can print money at will and bid on the productive class's goods and services (WITHOUT themselves having made a single productive contribution to society) -- and the REST of us, the lower classes who are forced by illegal, legal-tender laws to submit our goods and services for the bankers' worthless script (unconstitutional non-specie fake money)?
07-07-28 00:05:30
Naej27 ::: Favorites
Thank God for you tube. Americans can learn about corruption in our government.
07-07-30 02:45:32
eye8one2 ::: Favorites
Google "IRS loses challenge to prove tax liability" to read a win for the people!
07-07-31 23:20:06

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