Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Happy Birthday Laurice!

Duration: 249 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-26 15:51:57
User: LeiGhh93
:::: Favorites

Aww, all these birthday video's! We've had like 3 already and it's only May! So yeah, big happy birthday to my lovely Laurice. I still owe you your present, whoops! Anyway, my little 'let us sing a song' number is something from primary school, funny how things stick in your head. The girls are now less camera shy and no longer stick their hands infront of the video going 'NOO LEIGH NOO!' Can only be good!

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conibonjovi ::: Favorites
You got your voice back, and happy birthday Laurice.
07-05-26 17:14:17
LeiGhh93 ::: Favorites
I did, thank god! I'll let Laurice know! Thanks for commenting. I just noticed I have a slight lisp!
07-05-26 17:19:24
conibonjovi ::: Favorites
I never noticed, it might be just a poor recording.
07-05-26 17:22:37
samsarajade ::: Favorites
hahaha! I didn't know 'meth' was still used! I thought that was so my generation lol! hey-you should see Johnreagan's friend Vitos comments on my channel-and Italian gloat oer the AC Milan victory! I take it you're not a Blue then ;) Nice singing! :D Happy Birthday Laurice! (it all went upside down for a second there! lol!)
07-05-26 18:47:24
LeiGhh93 ::: Favorites
I replied lastnight but it doesn't have seemed to work! Anyway.. I think you've mistaken me, my pronunciation isn't the best, I'm saying 'meff' and I say it all too much, I only know of meth as that new drug that's knockin around! I seen those comments, yuk! My mates an Evertonian and you hear her say 'KAKA!' I always click the wrong button which sends my video the wrong way.. SO annoying! Haha! Hope you're up and running again soon, Tia!
07-05-27 07:56:04
samsarajade ::: Favorites
yeh, meff/meth it's the same-only not to do with drugs-I used to use it the same way as you before the 'meth' drug was known about, maybe the spelling has changed as the word has evolved! (I say it like 'meff' too, I have a problem saying the 'th' sound in any word!) Good news though, my computer is back online! Just having problems getting my mums computer working through the router now.
07-05-27 09:36:22
LeiGhh93 ::: Favorites
Glad to hear it Tia. Hope you're up and running sooner than later. =]
07-05-27 09:41:33
stobap ::: Favorites
You're mental, that song made me laugh x
07-05-28 08:09:38

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