Saturday, August 18, 2007

Crazy Christians disrupt Hindu Senate invocation

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-13 11:01:35
User: TheYoungTurks
:::: Favorites

Christian Extremist disrupt Hindu during Opening Prayer in Senate. The Young Turks on Air America Radio, M-F 6-9am ET, and on

ashif786 ::: Favorites
oh you have 8 billion indian friends? and i bet all of them love the way you mock their native accent. cunt.
07-08-07 03:34:40
wagtec ::: Favorites
Religious freedom is for everyone, not just Christians as myself. Live righteously, don't participate of Hindu prayer if it offends Our God, but don't restrict the public arena from all public rights... Jesus said die for Him not kill for Him.
07-08-08 01:27:36
wagtec ::: Favorites
Anyone could profess Christianty, and still be living the opposite, these so called Christians are a part of the "MORAL MAJORITY" of the USA. They believe in winning America back to God. This is dangerous, even for those Christians from other denominations that believe in separation of Church and State... My kindom is "not" of this World...but within us Jesus taught...
07-08-08 01:38:29
maxgraff ::: Favorites
did i see a nazi swastika etched on these guys mothers phuddi?
07-08-08 10:00:08
agentorange20 ::: Favorites
the swastika is a very old symbol, before it was defamed by hitler/nazi's, buddhist monks adopted it as a symbol of good luck.
07-08-09 23:32:38
sinner013 ::: Favorites
Who wasn't expecting this? Christianity has been the greatest oppresor of other viewpoints for over 1600 years. -PROUD APATHETIC AGNOSTIC PATRIOT
07-08-15 23:23:49
00nurofen00 ::: Favorites
No, Christianity liberates, look at Engalnd, the US and Australia and other christianised nations, they have liberty through Christian beliefs and foundations, look at India and also Islamic nations, they are backwards and oppressive. Also Catholicism is the oppressor, not christianity, and there is a world of difference.
07-08-16 07:22:43
sanjaybd99 ::: Favorites
England, US, Australia are now Secular. Had they followed Christianity like people did in the Inquisition, Crusader, slavery, racism era, situation would have been far more horrible today. Infact, South American region is also a 'Christian' nation, yet, you will find oppressing, discrimination etc. there. They key thing to eliminate such thing is correct education and secularism.
07-08-16 09:20:03
sinner013 ::: Favorites
well sanya said most of what I wanted to say but, also look at what the followers of Martin Luther (Not Martin Luther King Jr.) He founded the Protestants and they began a war because they didn't agree with the Catholics. Look at The Inquisition, the crusades, the wars between different christian sects, and how can you say christianity is not oppresive?
07-08-16 16:10:38
00nurofen00 ::: Favorites
I said, "Catholicism is the oppressor, not Christianity," Luther never "started" Protestantism, but rather he merely joined with them. You said "look at the inquisition and crusades" etc, but it was Catholics who hunted and murdered millions of real Christians who obeyed Jesus. Jesus said love your enemies, do good to people who hate you, people who practice otherwise are not saved. 10 out of 12 disciples were martyred, notice they never fought! Read about the Waldensians, Wycliffe, and Tyndale.
07-08-17 03:53:58

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