Saturday, August 18, 2007

Wes Clark Has Something to Say to Angelina Jolie

Duration: 02:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-11 10:28:27
User: TheYoungTurks
:::: Favorites

Click Here to check out what's on Wes's mind. The Young Turks on Air America Radio, M-F 6-9am ET, and on

sonisisuper ::: Favorites
Aaw, I thought for a sec that it was general Wes Clark. Ouch, though.
07-06-12 11:55:51
grazon ::: Favorites
same here.
07-06-12 16:20:04
Xmenfan246 ::: Favorites
Wes Clark, what exactly have you done to help this world?? Angelina deserves respect because of her commitment to her humanitarian work. Unless you've done as much as her, then you should shut up.
07-06-12 18:02:48
cradlemountain ::: Favorites
Bit difficult to stop getting your picture taken when you are stalked out! As long as she is helping children in the world that cant help themselves, who cares! You are allowed to have your opinion so I guess she can too ah!! It's called free will!!
07-06-13 07:55:19
jimjimereeya ::: Favorites
ditto- I was wondering what Gen. Wesley Clark would have to say about Angelina. BTW, who is this guy?
07-06-22 15:32:48
cciemail ::: Favorites
this is his son, and he usually has a lot more interesting things to say because he's not running for anything and he can speak freely. check out his videos on political issues. you won't be sorry.
07-06-30 00:22:11
cciemail ::: Favorites
i'll tell you what he's done. he totally blows away these neocons. i mean, this guy kills. you should check him out. and, why are you worshipping angelina jolie so much anyway? like she's a saint. i don't hear anything brilliant coming out of those augmented lips of hers.
07-06-30 00:55:31
Xmenfan246 ::: Favorites
I don't hear anything brilliant or decent from Wes Clark. He is an ignorant idiot full of hate, for someone who talks the talk.. Do something with your like Wes, instead of talking shit about people who actually do something to change the world.
07-06-30 18:13:33
qwerty4197 ::: Favorites
this guy is on point; our celebrity culture being analogous to Soma in BNW - I can certainly see that
07-07-15 00:55:07
xxashyy ::: Favorites
Fuck Angelina Jolie Wes is right. How the fuck can you 'change' the world by taking kids out of theyre homelands away from theyre parents and raise them like the hollywood freaks that they are. Why doesnt she just adopt the whole fucking continent of Africa?! Also no one can "change" the world, the world must change itself. You people with the "Live Aid" mentality get a REAL life.
07-08-15 17:04:51

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