Monday, August 27, 2007

Eric Asks Danielle, Why Me, Why Now? (2)

Duration: 07:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 18:48:25
User: Romie1218
:::: Favorites

he's trying to save face

bigjohnstud29 ::: Favorites
Take your personal beliefs out of this. It is a game and it is within the rules. Under those circumstances I would do the same thing since he is already handcuffed by the viewers who decide for him. REMEMBER THAT!!
07-08-09 02:28:40
GoodnightRaven ::: Favorites
I want Dick and Daniele gone.
07-08-09 01:02:39
wickawickasaywhat ::: Favorites
IT IS A GAME! I love the people who say "it's scary how easily he lies..." uh... Have you ever watched this show? It's about strategy, game face, playing other people. This is not freakin Big Integrity's a freakin game about people playing other people. Holy crap. Also, he didn't cast the votes...WE did. He had no choice. Jeebus.
07-08-08 23:57:29
Syther79 ::: Favorites
Dani can't even come up with a REAL reason she put him up on the block...she is STUPIDLY and STRICTLY basing this on the damn banner...I can NOT beleive that this little girl THINKS she is so smart. She WAS my fav to win at the I think she needs to go HOME NOW!!!! Send her home BEFORE sequester so that she would have to go home to her (probably-no-longer) boyfriend.
07-08-08 22:28:12
danibird207 ::: Favorites
Well obviously that won't happen. This is the last eviction before sequester...Daniele was and still is one of my favorites though, and she is very smart to get Eric out now. He is the best player in this game, would convince people to keep him if he stays longer (when there are less people voting and therefore less people to convince) and would absolutely win in the final 2.
07-08-09 13:23:44
CHEMICALx006 ::: Favorites
yea n dick did the samething to him.hes wouldve made it to the end if he wasnt AP
07-08-08 19:05:45
Hearth15 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 00:42:07
eustacebagg72 ::: Favorites
Those two votes were his (even if you want to argue that America cast them they were still his votes) and he did put mustard on Jen's pillow. The thing I never understood was why they never realized it was him. Remember when Dick was in the HOH shower and he tried to throw flour on him? It's not like he never did anything like that before. He is a liar and I am glad he is gone.
07-08-08 19:03:10
Hearth15 ::: Favorites
eric doesn't get to vote, so therefore it wasn't his votes....anyways, eric has openly admitted to lying before, therefore everyone expects it from him, but dick says he never lies (which is a complete lie) as we saw in last nights episode he has no problem lying either.
07-08-09 00:41:55
monsterB52 ::: Favorites
It's scary how easily he lies. It's downright frightening.
07-08-08 18:58:59

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