Monday, August 27, 2007


Duration: 04:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-27 22:25:08
User: mrblacksmoviereviews
:::: Favorites

Kickin it old Skool Movie Review. This is my review of the movie Kickin it old Skool. See the trailer of the movie and listen to my review of the movie. Hope this review is helpful. Enjoy the movie Kickin it old Skool

heelsXoverXheadX13 ::: Favorites
this movie was sooo and my friends got soo bored we hung out in the arcade the whole time
07-08-07 21:03:33
9tailkyubi580 ::: Favorites
I had a feeling this would be a bad movie. Now I'm not going to see this on DVD.
07-07-27 09:07:12
JoJoLeeLee1 ::: Favorites
I love Jamie Kennedy (like in love with that guy) and any movie with him in it (any moviee in the world) that he is in I will see just to see him in it. But this movie I liked A LOT (Plus it came out on my B-day!)
07-07-02 20:59:28
chrisairwolf ::: Favorites
hey it's 1 of the best movies because it had the hoff in it anything with david hasselhoff in the movie
07-06-24 07:53:25
itty69 ::: Favorites
it looked cheesy and stupid in the trailer so now the actual movie is cheesy and stupid. very odd indeed.
07-06-23 01:00:41
hahaLOLudumb ::: Favorites
you know im a dancer man...i didnt see the movie yet but what you say is probably accurate ...unforunately all dance movies since breaking dont do justice to bboys lockers or poppers (Like me) but CASPER the one who is the stuntman for jamie kennedy IS A AWESOME !!!! 16 YEARS OLD BBOY!!!! peace
07-06-20 21:11:54
bboyHungjuse ::: Favorites
movies like this are a downer to the bboy culture and communities around the globe ... stop making shit movies that making bboying look ridiculous ...
07-06-19 01:45:31
Drunkenhobo03 ::: Favorites
did it come out yet?
07-06-01 07:28:55
vdloco ::: Favorites
i give it 2 and 1/2
07-05-28 11:50:42
link670 ::: Favorites
the moment I saw the trailer for that movie, I knew it was gonna suck. And I was right :o
07-05-25 19:06:05
schwibz ::: Favorites
theres comedy humour and stupid humour. this is stupid humour, but priceless nonetheless. i recommend you see it with friends cause it will make the experience a hell of a lot more pleasurable
07-05-08 21:35:08
FX111 ::: Favorites
Going drunk works also if your friends won't go.
07-05-14 22:11:55
GetintheBag32 ::: Favorites
I like Jaimme Kennedy, but when I saw the trailer, I knew it was going to be terrible.
07-05-06 00:06:26
xviolentphilx ::: Favorites
i thought it was really funny, but i'm asian. i remember watching it, and only the asians were laughing. the humor was directed towards such a small audience(asian teens born in america..basically).
07-05-05 20:33:58
bboyaddicted ::: Favorites
i was the asian kid that did the robot at the beginning of the movie....LOL he said i did it well...LMAO. well anyway i have to agree with the rating, (although i watched it twice already, just to see myself on the big screen, hehe) but yea the movie was kinda horrible, and if i wasn't in it, i wouldnt really recommend anyone to go see it, but then again it was kinda funny at some points. its worth a chuckle or two i guess
07-05-01 02:37:45
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
Compared to the older asian guy you were a master of the robot. Congrats on the gig. Hope your not pullin my leg about you being in the movie.
07-05-01 03:01:22
RosenbaumGrl ::: Favorites
I havent seen this movie yet, but im planning to JUST b/c of Michael Rosenbaum. B/c he is my FAVORITE actor!! So to me, ANY movie that MR is going to be in, is worth seeing!! Comment me on my channel if u think otherwise, or if ur with me on this one!!
07-04-30 22:24:54
Sakura90638 ::: Favorites
i laughed so hard when I watched this movie. but yes, it's a very stupid movie.
07-04-30 00:55:38
TheMonkeyMan94 ::: Favorites
it looks amazing
07-04-29 12:16:46
mrblacksmoviereviews ::: Favorites
It had some funny moments. I would not recommend it to complete strangers or anything, but I almost always like Anthony Anderson. He was in the best parts of the film. I own 1,200 DVD's not all of them are 5 star movies. Some are on the lower end of the scale.
07-04-28 21:08:05

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