Monday, September 10, 2007

Fire Alarm Goes Off as Shepard Smith Is On the Air!

Duration: 03:12 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-26 16:19:22
User: johnnydollar01
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Working out of the lower-level newsroom because Studio B is being renovated, Shep reacts when the fire alarm sounds.

dolega84 ::: Favorites
That was great! I love Shep!
07-09-04 16:46:14
hoaxer666 ::: Favorites
07-08-31 16:15:46
SaraMarie41 ::: Favorites
talking about a serious hot topic
07-08-27 16:07:28
jenellecleary ::: Favorites
Let me rescue you Shep! ;) Thanks for posting this!
07-08-26 03:21:56
djMack1993 ::: Favorites
I was there, on that floor, when it happened :) I saw Shepard Smith right after it happened
07-08-08 00:33:32
skullaria ::: Favorites
I saw this happen live and just loved the insight it gives into his personality. We all love Shep around here. What a great guy - loved the coverage he did for Katrina too. :) He's never afraid to be human.
07-08-04 16:56:41
southerngrandma ::: Favorites
I absolutely love Shep!! He will work through anything. He was so funny on the Paris Hilton Day! He, alone, can say what we all are thinking and get away with it. Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric would have swallowed their tongues if this happened to them.
07-08-03 22:30:40
1hepkat ::: Favorites
Shep is the best!!!!!! This is REALITY TV!!!
07-08-03 06:49:27
mgenigma5 ::: Favorites
really bad planning!! Not even funny how dangerous.
07-07-31 12:26:45
TVWeatherPolitics ::: Favorites
That is hilarious.
07-07-27 13:04:56

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