Monday, September 10, 2007

Power-hungry cop takes over Walter's

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-14 22:14:48
User: livemusic
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Great concert cut short: A few songs into Two Gallants' set at Walter's on Washington in Houston, an officer appeared on stage very near the mic. I then either made sure it was set to video or switched my digital camera to movie mode and hit record. The physical confrontation seemed to begin immediately after that and I quickly moved toward the stage to document the already surreal setting we were all quickly lost in. According to police, the officer asked that the music be turned down, was attacked and used his Taser in self-defense. I find it hard to imagine anyone out of the supposed 140+ in attendance who witnessed the incident would agree things occurred the way the officer described them. I spent the better part of a day in jail because of that crazy cop. Though it should have been the officer and not me behind bars, let us not forget that one 'bad cop' doesn't mean they all are -- though there are certainly others. The male/female officers who drove Andrew and me downtown were pretty cool. One guard at the jail in particular had a number of inmates laughing at times and seemed to have a great solution for dealing with the out-of-control fool in cell 2 who flooded the place with toilet water. Were you there? To file a formal complaint I understand it might be best to do so with the Harris Co. D.A. Public Integrity Division. MORE: htt://

michaeloflaherty ::: Favorites
Mayby that Rookie Cop fresh out of the academy didn't like the music they were playing, Well he has got some nerve but at least he's not John Kimble or T100 Liquid Metal Man from Terminator 2 Hey that's a nice bike lol
07-09-09 05:57:43
oooga56 ::: Favorites
no! they dont deserve that! i hate that cop...i hate him..
07-09-08 13:00:14
SpaceMonkeyMafioso ::: Favorites
That cop might think he's pretty tough, but he's no match for Traci Spector.
07-09-01 03:04:49
fafafooey ::: Favorites
you bitches are fucking homos.. i would taser all of you if i had the chance
07-08-28 06:06:23
Splash1964 ::: Favorites
If that was in the UK that cop would have been kicked to death,noob cop,what a fucking hero.He was very very lucky
07-08-25 07:48:51
diggeraz ::: Favorites
small weener
07-08-23 11:19:56
Potoxinator ::: Favorites
That cops nothing more than a lowlife faggot
07-08-22 05:21:14
aholden12592 ::: Favorites
two gallants are one of the greatest duos ever to be known in blues rock
07-08-16 16:09:19
sosamickens ::: Favorites
Get a Gat...Pop a Cop
07-08-15 07:57:20
jdz097 ::: Favorites
That band SUCKS! that cop did us ALL a favor by cutting there show short.
07-08-13 02:29:44

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