Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ghost Recon 2 Xbox 360 Training Manual

Duration: 02:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 19:42:42
User: gamedaily
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GameDaily issues this tactical training manual for soldiers ready to hit the field again in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2. Man up and check it out! Want to see more GRAW2 content? Checkout


wimmie775 ::: Favorites
the ps3 rules better vieuw better stuff every one nows it, the ps3 is better
07-09-03 10:44:19
diablo686 ::: Favorites
this game has an awesome list of weapons, still missin a d eagle and aug a1
07-08-30 09:26:50
alexanderose ::: Favorites
hey A.I isnt bad
07-08-16 15:16:25
PXNDXMOY ::: Favorites
I like the video that appears first, start with a ATARI joystick, then a SuperNintendo Control, and the last is a Xbox control, I live in the border of Juarez/El Paso, I live in Juarez I love this game DUDE, !!VIVA MEXICO!!
07-07-17 15:04:14
gaararules1608 ::: Favorites
This game RULES dude. I love the multiplayer mode on xbox live it rules
07-05-23 00:35:03
mollian ::: Favorites
Its a Mexican car so I am thinking a Charger.
07-04-15 13:20:25
goldenate ::: Favorites
Man, that looks different from the demo. Maybe I just had my finger up my arse the whole time.
07-03-28 19:42:35
tsangbob ::: Favorites
that was funny and useful
07-03-26 11:45:58
ForelliBoy ::: Favorites
At about 2:10, is that supposed to be a Dodge Avenger or Charger?
07-03-26 09:51:34
TonoTako ::: Favorites
awesome review gamedaily,btw, im mexican, that game is fucking good!
07-03-24 01:47:41

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