Sunday, September 30, 2007

Halo 3 beta game over.

Duration: 00:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-04 16:33:15
User: QKZWarrior3000
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what happens when beta doesn't work or when its over maybe? made by rob tripp-GamingTalkHQ


2jyutyAJIT1421 ::: Favorites
Cool Halo Video. If your a real halo fan you should get the Halo 3 Xbox 360 Edition. I found where you can actually get the system for free. I'm not sure how much longer this will last, probably not long. You can get your free system at: haloxbox*wants*it (replace the * with .)
07-09-29 22:36:02
halo2modderforlife ::: Favorites
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!soz for spamming so mucits juet i loved that game so much :( such a very sad site ffor all halo players acrossed the world
07-06-20 20:27:54
Darksider13 ::: Favorites
hey can anyone put up a video of playing in a game then all the sudden the beta shuts them down...
07-06-13 23:21:23
fixxxer928 ::: Favorites
Lucky for me i never turned my XBox off. I'm still playing Custom Games WOOH!!!
07-06-11 18:59:10
yapyap1 ::: Favorites
how ? can you send me a soluce how to play custom game ?
07-08-25 22:03:35
fixxxer928 ::: Favorites
Once you turned your XBox OFF you can't get back in. So you had to LEAVE the game running.
07-08-26 14:16:59
quicksilver4648 ::: Favorites
I nearly cried... almost... not really. But now the wait begins.
07-06-11 18:52:02
Darksider13 ::: Favorites
Hope ya got another 400 bucks
07-06-13 23:20:49
fullmetalmc ::: Favorites
07-06-11 18:25:13
Trondannyboy ::: Favorites
Such a sad sight. darn you Bungie you get me hooked on your game playing it none stop now i must wait for what will seem like forever to play it again :-(. Luckily i leave this weekend for a cruise to Mexico so I will party some of the pain away
07-06-07 03:55:41

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