Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hillary Clinton calls for American-style communism

Duration: 00:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-30 11:53:29
User: BeyondTheNews
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Hillary Clinton calls for American-style communism


AmericanRepublican1 ::: Favorites
If she becomes president, wave bye, bye to the middle class and say hello to hiliaryism aka communism..
07-09-26 20:25:50
del0griffith ::: Favorites
Liberals are Socialists - Give me your money, I know how to spend it better than you do. You have to pay for millions of bums on welfare. You have to pay for millions of people that "can't afford" to buy health insurance, but eat McDonalds every night for supper, while watching their plasma screen TV. Wake up America, don't elect a Socialist.
07-09-23 14:05:40
AviationHero ::: Favorites
If Communism is so great, then why did your precious Soviet Union collapse back in the early 90's, hmm? You and Hillary should both be blown to bits just like the VC in the famous helicopter assault scene in the movie 'Apocolypse Now'... "Run, Charlie, run!"
07-09-23 00:53:51
haomani ::: Favorites
I support crpp. She scares me like Lenin enrages me. I'VE GOT IT! SHE'S THE MUGGLE UMBRIDGE!!!!!
07-09-21 19:34:50
SolisKaneRaige ::: Favorites
Obama for the vote.
07-09-20 21:33:50
CameronAProductions ::: Favorites
vote obama
07-09-20 20:59:47
crpp ::: Favorites
she scares me. I don't want to live in a police state where they have control of everything. I like my freedoms. Our only hope is that the idiots of this country wise up for just one minute and don't vote for her.
07-09-20 13:00:44
hapspir ::: Favorites
I wouldn't bite a communist if she were glazed in honey.
07-09-15 05:59:48
secretcheef ::: Favorites
I'm 100% communist. Bite me, you fascist piece of crap
07-09-14 00:09:04
Ace1282 ::: Favorites
I am a Communist and proud go Hillary you go girl you sexy bitch.
07-09-12 20:38:58

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