Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tim Buckley, Once i was... IRAQ

Duration: 03:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-11 22:55:38
User: tedvelvet
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Sad song for a pointless war


modmonilu ::: Favorites
Beautiful video, and such a beautiful and touching song by Tim Buckley. But I will never let the devastation pas s me by. I was a young girl when the war passed my family by. Some were too young to know or understand, much less be involved. The others were young.. although not too young to protest. I was too young to understand Tim Buckley's message, no less understand my own place in the era's musical message.
07-09-15 22:47:02
winholler ::: Favorites
Beautiful and beautifully done! This is art raised to its highest calling.
07-09-10 20:59:08
altay111 ::: Favorites
Thank you.
07-09-04 22:35:54
derbilmotion ::: Favorites
Nice job. The tragedy of this war is exponential.
07-09-01 10:28:10
2007Suze ::: Favorites
If this doesn't bring you to tears, What will? I hate this war. It's for nothing.
07-08-31 01:34:44
FiNeKreBstarProd ::: Favorites
i'm glad you put this great song with this stupid war
07-08-29 11:44:22
zentropa ::: Favorites
Very Poignant. All those wasted lives. And for what?
07-08-10 23:10:03
custer1968 ::: Favorites
Beautiful and horrifying.Support the Troops but not this damn war!
07-07-31 04:16:38
usmcholmans ::: Favorites
This isn't about your politics, this is about the men & women who voluntarily serve. Doesn't make a damn bit of difference where or why they serve - it matters that they care enough TO serve. Both my Marines have fought in Iraq; one thinks it's BS, the other thinks it's good. Both are still PROUD to be Marines, and to have willingly joined. Get over yourself - thank them for doing what you won't. There is after all, a need for the military beyond a war with which some don't agree.
07-07-29 11:56:15
tedvelvet ::: Favorites
we haven't asked them to fight, cowardly, gutless, chickenhawk, scumbag politicians like Joe Lieberman have filled piggy banks full money ensuring that sons and daughters of no relation to his, fight and die to protect and defend what exactly? know your enemy.
07-07-29 05:06:44

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