Thursday, September 13, 2007

HK 2 ep08pt05

Duration: 09:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-22 22:10:47
User: theresajames1982
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season 2

rightword ::: Favorites
"Shut the f--- up for 30 seconds." Thats tellin her.
07-09-11 02:41:32
dyzler ::: Favorites
nice 1 virginia
07-09-10 17:10:24
katyxoxo69 ::: Favorites
that was a evvvvil look by sara
07-09-03 23:52:35
minnie2mac ::: Favorites
stupid cow has gone >V<
07-08-30 05:04:07
Cornholio360 ::: Favorites
Ding dong the bitch is dead which bitch...SARA yay kiss my grits
07-08-28 20:49:57
fanofpink ::: Favorites
Finally Sara left and she crying.
07-08-25 02:06:49
chelzens ::: Favorites
hell yeah!! sara de bitch is gone.. woohoo!! there's a thing caled 'karma' bitch.. look wat sara has done to virginia last time.. haha.. KISS MY FUCKING GRITS sara!!
07-08-19 14:53:55
joanes310 ::: Favorites
ha ha fuck you sara. you fat cow
07-08-14 13:38:36
BlackRia ::: Favorites
I wonder if the reason Ramsey is letting her slip all these times is because he knows she has a crush on him.
07-08-13 06:07:01
DodgyKen06 ::: Favorites
OMG Virginia looks so sexy at 05:22!
07-08-12 20:43:23

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