Thursday, September 13, 2007

Twin Towers Story

Duration: 07:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-05 15:34:07
User: birminghamcity123
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The narrator has some pretty good points, and evidence to back up what he is saying. This video is worth watching as it has stuff that even I didn't know until I first saw this. This video is about the events that happened on September 11th 2001, and things that people didn't know. (KP)(If you have a video similar to this one about 9/11 conspiracies etc, please link post it as a video response to my video).

akuserdu ::: Favorites
it sucks to know the truth!
07-09-13 06:11:34
be4you98ls1 ::: Favorites
Simmer down fag boy.. what is it with you and Michael Moore you want to blow him don't you? Well if it makes you feel any better I will graciously let you blow me instead. I will be his stand in for you.
07-09-13 04:10:48
FST2007 ::: Favorites
thank you for this video!
07-09-13 03:03:47
drinaldi2000 ::: Favorites
WILL YOU SHUT UP JUST SHUT, YOU BASTERDS. Why would they kill thousands of people and at the same time distroy one of America's greatest landmarks. I HOPE YOU AND YOU GOD, MICHAEL MOORE, DIE IN THE NEXT TERRORIST ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-09-12 21:41:20
marianacoplan2632 ::: Favorites
Get your favorite music on your cell at RINGTONECLICK dot COM
07-09-12 19:18:28
ningbo0120 ::: Favorites
Tyr0 its the truth just face it bush set it all up.
07-09-12 18:47:26
idcwutmyuseris ::: Favorites
u fuckin biach u as wipe no da fuckin real story bich da fuckin plane hit u bastrd
07-09-12 16:20:53
americawillwinwar3 ::: Favorites
fuckin stuped
07-09-12 15:11:19
TyrOdinsson ::: Favorites
07-09-12 14:15:00
VinternattTystnad ::: Favorites
07-09-12 14:10:15

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