Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kids are crazy!

Duration: 09:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-19 12:12:49
User: artofvoice
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started a new job at a daycare why do all my icons look so stupid? the halfway mark always catches me with the strangest expression

BDude91 ::: Favorites
i like this one :) Yes Kids ARE crazy!! Lol.
07-08-20 01:08:13
moondogg55 ::: Favorites
When I first saw "split my pants" ,I wanted to say,wait until you have kids,then everyday, life throws something at you. In fact the days it doesn't,seem weird. I'm sure within a month you'll know exactly what I mean. P.S. kids are not 'glass'-you'll do fine. You have alot of insight into people--and they are just little people with less experince,but people just the same.
07-07-08 15:42:50
artofvoice ::: Favorites
it's not ALL bad
07-06-25 21:50:10
soxx89 ::: Favorites
it sucks
07-06-25 21:48:39
artofvoice ::: Favorites
nah, just curious actually. it was a girl who asked. kids figure that adults are married and have kids,haha. only reason those little buggers cling to me is because mom isn't around and they are needy at 3&4 years old.
07-06-25 18:49:18
delphiccrypt ::: Favorites
Of course they do. Scars are souvenirs you never lose, lol. They wanted to know if you were married because they probably have a crush. They do say the damned'st things
07-06-25 18:47:52
artofvoice ::: Favorites
haha,yeah..i mean they can be funny. this little four year old was like "whew, i'm gettin old!" hahaha. And I watched these 5year olds and they asked if i was a mom or married,haha. Though it's not totally unrealistic sense i'm 19, it's still funny! They also like to show off their booboos
07-06-25 18:28:50
delphiccrypt ::: Favorites
My sister is in Daycare. It's a controlled chaos. She like to laugh at funny looking kids and weird quirks when she gets home. It gets her by. My nephew tells me he's stronger all the time, then he attacks me for an hour. In case you haven't seen it yet, children are chronic liars.
07-06-25 07:49:35
artofvoice ::: Favorites
haha riiiight. i'm 19
07-06-20 18:19:00
BLSrock ::: Favorites
good job to choose :) lol how old are you btw???
07-06-20 17:46:14

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