Thursday, September 20, 2007

thrown into the lake!

Duration: 03:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-17 15:01:01
User: artofvoice
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i told you's a tradition. sorry there is no sound. I tried to open it with window's movie maker and add subtitles at least..but it's the wrong file type apparently. If anyone knows now to do it, help! most of the words were "it's sooo colldd!!!!!" it was about 40 degrees

martialme84 ::: Favorites
Oh yeah, that´s guts.... How deep did you fall? I think the camera kind of distorts the perspective, but ...
07-05-03 17:38:15
artofvoice ::: Favorites
haha thanks
07-03-20 18:55:44
darkmaul666 ::: Favorites
you have guts to do this in 40 degree weather. i respect you for that. great job!
07-03-20 18:16:41
artofvoice ::: Favorites
pretty cool huh?
07-03-19 20:47:08
FelicityFan85 ::: Favorites
I never got whitness these much before.
07-03-19 20:11:58
artofvoice ::: Favorites
yeah i know...i don't know if my friend's camera has a mic. It's just a digital camera you can take vid with but no sound. oh well.
07-03-17 20:57:36
JonPatric ::: Favorites
Awe poor Happy Birthday again :) Gee is something wrong with my soundcard? sound
07-03-17 18:38:35
artofvoice ::: Favorites
uh huh
07-03-17 16:27:11
Jervns ::: Favorites
07-03-17 16:17:03
artofvoice ::: Favorites
VERY it was in the 40s today and soo the water was pretty dang cold and as you can see it was windy as well
07-03-17 15:27:16

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