Saturday, October 20, 2007

07 NFC East predictions: Giants

Duration: 07:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-15 02:36:02
User: HomegrownCowboy
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My take on the Giants.


HomegrownCowboy ::: Favorites
honestly, i am more worried about the Giants than the Eagles. The Giants will be on a mission this year. In fact i'm gonna post a video on my thoughts soon.
07-08-20 21:06:05
Methos1966 ::: Favorites
Looking forward to our first match up! I like our draft. Our number one pick is looking great in camp and our new TE is surprising everyone with how good he's looking. Should be interesting...
07-08-12 17:18:45
redmustang03 ::: Favorites
If the Giants do get Simeon Rice of course they still won't have the punch that Strahan provided but it is still better than having some unknown on their team other than Umi.
07-08-04 00:39:33
nym685 ::: Favorites
No. If Strahan retires and we fail to sign Simeon Rice to replace him, then we are doomed. Otherwise, we will be ok.
07-08-02 23:49:28
redmustang03 ::: Favorites
If Michael Strahan retires the Giants are doomed on defense. He was their leader and provided a lot of the pash rush for years. They got rid of a good lb, but injured Arrington. You better hope that Umi at that defensive end is the next Strahan or better.
07-08-01 02:56:09
mcfrs ::: Favorites
don't sleep on the Skins. They have the best running game in the division. Just ask the Eagles. If the defense can return to form, they will be scary. The running game is key. They were 4th in the league, last season. And the Giants will not make the playoffs.
07-07-26 11:41:26
47kaos ::: Favorites
I'm digging the drumline candence. I'm a drummer myself.
07-07-23 02:01:40
HomegrownCowboy ::: Favorites
ok , you go ahead and fall asleep on thier running game and defense. haha i'm not!!!
07-07-20 20:22:20
crazyoldtom ::: Favorites
the giants have gone down hill, they will be 3rd in nfc east, fortunately for the giants last place looks to be reserved for the skins
07-07-20 01:55:10
Phillyballer767 ::: Favorites
Fall asleep on what ? Their lack of running game and no Defence. They will be the worst team in the NFC E.
07-07-19 21:49:57

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