Saturday, October 20, 2007

March to the Pentagon

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-21 16:16:27
User: corneliusdean
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Compilation of photos from the March 17 2007 march to the Pentagon.


RedswordReborn ::: Favorites
Vietnam's over. Put down the old baggage and focus on the mess we've got now.
07-07-04 01:14:12
Softailoo5 ::: Favorites
What you heard was bullshit ! Just like Kerry's lies.Did you ever hear of the VC beheading village chiefs,killing their families and conscripting all the young men ? Every war has it's atrocities on both sides.There was very few incidents on our side. But, weasels like Kerry and the press painted every one who served as a baby killer.You weren't there and you don't know jack !
07-05-31 19:07:50
corneliusdean ::: Favorites
I've heard of atrocities from three different Vietnam vets, in three different situations. The atrocities in Vietnam didn't need to be "concocted." What a bunch of bullshit.
07-05-31 16:39:19
repsac3 ::: Favorites
No, I'm pretty certain its not what you (or much of anyone in your situation) had in your mind, but I do think the rights of those asshats to do those things is among the values for which your government sent you to fight.
07-05-31 10:27:43
repsac3 ::: Favorites
Perhaps there are phony Afghanistan/Iraq vets making the rounds. (I recall one story, for sure.) Finding & pointing them out is fine. Assuming that those who disagree are phony without further proof, isn't. I think it's as shitty a thing to do as questioning a guy's medals, especially when done for political gain. When the same folks question the service history of Kerry, Murtha, & Clelland, it's political, not a righting of their service records.
07-05-31 10:19:18
Softailoo5 ::: Favorites
Yes,we disagree.But, not on your right to dissent.Only on how to support the troops. It's a known fact that in the 70's, the anti-war movement had numerous phony vets who concocted fake war atrocity stories. There was also a lot 10 %'s who couldn't abide a military life style. You have the same thing going on now.
07-05-31 08:50:45
Softailoo5 ::: Favorites
You really think that when I was getting my ass shot at, that in my mind I was fighting for some asshat holding up a Che Gueverra sign ? Or some SDS punk burning a soldier in effigy ? We fought to make it back alive and we didn't need someone encouraging the enemy to kill more of us ! Especially one of our own !
07-05-31 08:39:22
repsac3 ::: Favorites
So go ahead & disagree... Call folks names, if it gets you off. I'll still thank you for your service (& also still think less of you for disparaging some of your fellow vets over politics.) That's a part of the country & values for which all of you vets fought, and under which we all live.
07-05-31 00:07:27
repsac3 ::: Favorites
I don't think one needs to've served to recognise disrespect for the folks who have. No vet fought for one political party and not the other. No vet fought for freedom for some Americans, but not the rest. Dissent is what America's all about, from it's inception till today...
07-05-31 00:05:20
Softailoo5 ::: Favorites
You're so full of it, it's coming out of your ears. I am a vet. Are you ? Those guys are stabbing their own brothers in the back while they are putting their lives on the line. They don't deserve any respect.
07-05-30 17:38:17

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