Monday, October 29, 2007

07MSLs3 Ro8 Bisu vs Kwanro 1set pt2 (English Commentary)

Duration: 07:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-27 21:13:13
User: moletrap
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Oct 27, 2007 Map: Python


ZenTrickz ::: Favorites
Wow this game really demonstrated what a monster Bisu is.
07-10-28 15:25:46
dmoney747 ::: Favorites
i wish there was some sound in the background. it adds a lot to the game. gee gee great commentary
07-10-28 15:02:36
LovableHart ::: Favorites
oh my god OH MY GOD a ton of Hydralisk OMG!
07-10-28 14:49:33
jjay75 ::: Favorites
I hope kwanro can come back in later games, not really to knock bisu out, cause thats just unrealistic, but to see it go to 5 games would be great.
07-10-28 10:02:52
Lunaticmaniac ::: Favorites
Kwanro is such a scary prospect, Id defenetly get him on my team!
07-10-28 06:41:34
SeanithanEgan ::: Favorites
Poor kwanro, he did so good. I was really rooting for him.
07-10-28 05:18:42
0kthen ::: Favorites
can you also please put the game sound on? i'd like to hear the action going on and the unit sounds. it's ok to hear the korean announcers just not when they're louder than your voice.
07-10-28 04:10:16
0kthen ::: Favorites
man bisu hacks... -_- kwanro played beautifully though.. i believe he matched bisu's micro.. it's just that drone drill failed him, he should have had maybe 4-5 drones for that instead of only 3 or bisu just aimed for the drones and killed them quickly before they were able to do enough drillage. that was amazing though when kwanro killed those zealots attacking his spire with lings alone. he out microed bisu there.
07-10-28 04:03:22
moletrap ::: Favorites
Not many zergs can say that they kept Bisu on his toes for that long.
07-10-28 00:18:04
moletrap ::: Favorites
yeah, oops, fixed
07-10-28 00:17:41

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