Monday, October 29, 2007

07OSLs3 Ro16 Savior vs Rock pt2 (English Commentary)

Duration: 07:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-27 00:39:17
User: moletrap
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Oct 26, 2007 Map: Persona


moletrap ::: Favorites
Haha. Word. Zealot is an actual word outside of starcraft, folks. The units are named after the term 'religious zealot,' in which it is pronounced like I pronounce it in my commentaries.
07-10-29 02:50:24
StarCraftAccount ::: Favorites
moletrap, i love your commentaries. i love your expressiveness and spunk. i have no problem with your fact, i love it and it just makes it more fun regardless i agree or disagree with you. keep up the great job! :)
07-10-28 18:38:44
ZenTrickz ::: Favorites
The rock looks like a scary guy
07-10-28 15:41:03
moletrap ::: Favorites
Okay, first, do you actually have a good reason why I shouldn't favor one or the other? Second, of fucking course any of these guys could own me, dumbshit. Saying that a player makes a mistake isn't comparing him to me, it's comparing him to other progamers. Kindof like, for example, you criticizing my commentary when I see you don't do commentary yourself. Third, I wasn't implying swarm could block storm, I just meant that savior would have his own spells to balance the storm, like plague.
07-10-28 14:28:54
bleedingsnow ::: Favorites
Not his fault you can't pronounce zealot correctly.
07-10-28 02:19:18
kennybenny ::: Favorites
i dont like how you pronouce your zealot. for me, for the past 10 years ive been saying "zee-lot" instead of "cell-lot"
07-10-27 20:16:54
q335r49 ::: Favorites
keep up the awesome 'biased' commentaries -- all the cool people older than 14 dig em
07-10-27 16:58:44
moletrap ::: Favorites
Yes, swarm blocks any ranged attacks, including from buildings, but not splash or spells.
07-10-27 16:25:41
SeanithanEgan ::: Favorites
Rock tried too many strategies. Savior was just able to counter everything Rock did before he could make his move. Fun to watch though.
07-10-27 16:21:39
swimwithRT ::: Favorites
hey does dark swarm block sunken attacks???? It seemed to in this game.
07-10-27 15:01:59

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