Friday, October 5, 2007

Allah Peduli-Agnes Monica

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-03 13:59:35
User: finesha
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

hi y'all:) thx for watching the video... may God bless you all.. and um... about comment... from now on...that's not allowed... so...don't be angry... NO COMMENTS,NO DEBATES!!!alright?hehehe...


finesha ::: Favorites
thx for the tutorial...hehehe....
07-07-22 02:35:39
rogergangstar ::: Favorites
Finesha, caranya gampang.Kamu login, terus click MyAccount.Kemudian clik MyVideos.Kemudian click Edit Video Info.Terus pada bagian Sharing Option, pilih pada bagian comment.Ada 4 pilihan di sana,kamu pilih mana yg kamu suka.Kalau sudah selesai, jgn lupa click Update Video Info.
07-07-20 19:01:04
hongcentral ::: Favorites
ososucre,I have observed and found that you always gave a poor & rude comment in every Agnes video.If you hate Agnes,why do you waste your time browsing all her video?It show how stupid you are.And finally I found, that you actually are a 36 years old Looser who Frustrated with your life. Your Brain is really DIRTY, full of Hate and Envy. Poor Ososucre!!
07-07-20 18:53:04
weirdokiddo ::: Favorites
I thot that she's Christian???...The song is so touchy...
07-07-20 11:30:36
finesha ::: Favorites
justru itu.."jayhen"...mau di disabled ga tau caranya gmn sih?;))
07-07-20 00:50:45
jayhen ::: Favorites
to Finesha; gmn klo lo bikin ne video disabled comments ajaaaaahhh... guys, Jesus luvs u all... n He must b very happy there in heaven 4 having such soldiers like u all! ^^
07-07-19 12:04:18
jayhen ::: Favorites
07-07-19 11:59:53
siapakamu ::: Favorites
agnes nyanyinya bgs dsini...lagunya jg bgs=)gua heran knp seh org2 masih suka aja memperdebatkan agama?gua muslim tp gua gak keberatan kok denger lagu ini, menurut gua lagu ini bgs...semua agama tuh sama, gak ada agama yg mengajarkan kejahatan semua mengajarkan gak usah berantem lah yah...kita semua sama yaitu makhluk ciptaan-Nya..
07-07-18 08:03:17
hebesano ::: Favorites
oh sorry,aku salah paham....anyway....i felt that kata2ku itu quite hurting.... i m sorry to make u read my harsh comment....aku kebawa emosi banget soalnya aku gak suka comment2 yg menjelakkan nama Tuhan kita....ya i should not use my emotional be my excuse but i just cant stand it....sorry banget uda nyusahin kamu the way hebesano bukan nama asliku kok....and aku ini cewek kok....lagi Skul di Singapore,hehehe....salam kenal
07-07-16 10:42:57
gothfweak ::: Favorites
agnes is still my favourite.. i wont bother of what others think. Just mind our own business.
07-07-15 08:45:02

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