Sunday, October 28, 2007

brigitte gabriel interview at Duke U. PT.5

Duration: 06:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-22 22:02:28
User: subach
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long, but an interview everyone should watch. She explains so much about the middle east, and the conflict there.


rohsrohs ::: Favorites
Don't forget the Armenian Genocide during WWI when over a million Christians were murdered by the muslim Turks.
07-09-09 03:31:50
subach ::: Favorites
Oh yes I'm sure the Hindu holocaust was made up for western proganda, by Indians who of course also suffered from British occupation. And the Islamic slave trade? Made up by a bunch of Africans, also for western propaganda. You should really think before you type anything, you're such a tool. As for god/allah he doesn't exist, and you christians/muslims(it's all the same) can just keep killing eachother for it, I no longer care, now go read a history book.
07-08-06 17:17:51
mentor2022 ::: Favorites
i cannot argue with a stupid who wants to write a new history based on myths ignoring facts. ur just yet another fool buying all nonsense stuff being fed by western propaganda. May god bless u . i feel sorry for u.
07-08-05 15:16:30
subach ::: Favorites
I didn't say I wanted to bomb your countries, I simply no longer care if jews do so. hmmm, I see you mentioned indonesia, the one land that muslims didn't take by force. Hindu holocaust anyone? The spanish retook their land, that's why their own language and faith survived there. North africa, what happend to 100 million africans over 900 years? Muslims killed them.
07-08-03 12:45:30
mentor2022 ::: Favorites
ur yet another stupid fooled by propaganda. To u bombing a nation is just pushing a button. wat abt consequences. a nation not just land,its millions of innocent men,women &kids. muslims didnt do holacoust/hiroshima it was europeans&american, muslim didnt force people to change ther lang,faiths &destroyed civilizations like christians in latin america ,muslim ruled spain &india 4 800&1000 year still they have ther own langs &faiths. no muslim army went indonesia most populated muslim land
07-08-03 11:15:45
subach ::: Favorites
Right, muslims see them as a disease, perhaps that's the reason they went to the west and started attacking islam. Perhaps if you had treated these people fairly then they wouldn't be doing this. May a Jew bomb your country!
07-08-02 14:21:25
mentor2022 ::: Favorites
this lady,wafasultan,rushdie are materialist they had no identity untill they turned against islam. they saw that islam is not winning side now so lets earn fame,sell some filthy books, go on air and enjoy some western favours(citizenships..) by disgracing muslim.The western media was quite interested in buying their sensation story bcoz this justified the western policy and diverted people from real issues. muslim dont care them bcoz they where no more than a disease for us.
07-08-02 12:51:53
penisofthenight ::: Favorites
oh i see. she doesnt really make a distinction between muslims and radical muslims. that's not good because now ALL muslims will be against her and the christians and civil war will start again.
07-07-07 14:39:04
subach ::: Favorites
She doesn't hate lebanon, that's her country, she hates the extreamist like hezbollah that has torn her country apart.
07-07-07 12:44:12
subach ::: Favorites
She's an Arab, and yes there are other people besides muslims in the middle east, who have lived there for far longer than Islam was around. And motherfucker you don't just get to declare that it's all yours. And America isn't a jew country that's Israel. But hey since muslim worship a jewish god, doesn't that make you a JEW!
07-07-07 12:42:53

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