Sunday, October 28, 2007

The greeks strike back! the true word of allah

Duration: 06:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-17 00:10:33
User: subach
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you may need headphones if you don't have good speakers. this is a respones to the false ones like shiekhtm. The true word of allah


EroupeanAssult ::: Favorites
hahahahahahahahahah nice one man lol its so true
07-04-03 20:18:27
lambipokii ::: Favorites
the only ting Greeks invented is homosexuality
07-02-05 16:56:30
bicnarok ::: Favorites
Interesting and funny video, forgot to mention the fact that Islam is a moon worshiping sect. This is obviously going to offend various people, the fact that they are offended shows thier insecurity which is covered by the viel of relgion. That what science knows, all its dreamed up theories and all is NOTHING im comparison to what is to be found out. Ancient texts inculding religions have some hints to what´s it all about. so don´t totally discard it:)
07-01-05 13:45:41
XoAsmaXo ::: Favorites
fuck ur god asshole pluse ur realegen
06-12-29 10:15:51
XoAsmaXo ::: Favorites
fuck you asshole sonofabitch and fuck that guy too both of u go to hell.
06-12-29 10:04:34
zprdr ::: Favorites
To be a fanatic you have to misuse your believe's name (whatever you believe)(exp. America using Democracy)to realize your desires
06-12-01 07:34:32
subach ::: Favorites
Really can you name one time an Atheist killed anyone over religion(don't say stalin, he killed people he deemed centrifugal, it had nothing do to with religion as he killed Atheists and religious people alike). To be a fanatic you have to be willing to kill or die for your beliefs(or lack of). All I want to do is tell you people the truth so you'll stop killing people.
06-11-30 18:20:00
zprdr ::: Favorites
You are an example as an atheist fanatic... You are making your own jihad or crusade whatever you said. Stop fighting with religion. Religion is not a problem, problem is fanatics...
06-11-30 15:15:59
subach ::: Favorites
Don't you see the religion is the problem, By the way there's no such thing a fanatic Atheist, that's an oxymoron. That is infact the whole purpose of these videos(this one,"Atheist finds Allah", and "declaration of jihad") is to show what how ridiculas the fanaticism is to Atheist. Never have Atheist gone on a jihad, crusade, or try to reclaim land of 2,000 years ago. Anycase go search for "the god delusion" learn the truth!
06-11-29 20:46:48
zprdr ::: Favorites
you can satire every fanatic actions of people who called them Muslim or Christian or Jew or Atheist but becareful when you are talking about "Religion"
06-11-29 19:11:38

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