Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Duration: 02:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-20 13:32:57
User: Johnnyfable
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Johnny Fable's first video back in 1992, I wanna be your lover, Check out Johnnys new song Rescue Me comming soon!


auntflavia ::: Favorites
Johnny you need to video yourself doing this song acoustically with a modern twist!
07-10-22 00:50:32
JohnnyFableFan ::: Favorites
Hey Johnny has been busy! More than JUST one other song - several! BUT I am prejudiced - heard a professional recording of "Rescue Me" previously. Just Johnny and his guitar singing a song that he wrote - AWESOME. "Rescue Me" is what I was waiting for! He may have been a "pop sensation", but he truly is a musician!
07-10-20 23:34:47
auntflavia ::: Favorites
The blast from the past is here at last!!
07-10-20 20:52:23
Johnnyfable ::: Favorites
Hi, I put this up and I put up one of me singing another song. check it out. And by the way Thanks!!
07-10-20 21:31:25

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