Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Johnny Fable sings Howie Day

Duration: 03:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-20 22:10:06
User: Johnnyfable
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Johnny Fable sings Howie Day


auntflavia ::: Favorites
Another great song. You have good tastes in music!
07-10-22 00:48:55
JohnnyFableFan ::: Favorites
Very nice rendition! Glad he lost the dangling earring! Love the voice and the guitar playing!
07-10-20 23:10:00
auntflavia ::: Favorites
Yeah, looks like the chandelier earring is history. It's probably in a pile with the early 90's mullet. :)
07-10-22 00:48:10

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