Wednesday, October 3, 2007

["Scream" lyrics]

Duration: 04:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-11 16:27:25
User: Lowi7
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A video of lyrics for the song "Scream" by ZOEgirl. Some of the slides may be slightly outta time with the music, but WMM was messing about a bit and I tried my best =] When I say that I can totally relate to the lyrics, I really mean it. With the exception of the parts about Jesus/God (I'm not religious), this song describes exxactly how I'm feeling at the minute. The last chorus where it's talking about "He" is obviously about God, but it personally makes me think of my friend Mark, who is there for me no matter what and always knows when something is wrong. He's an amazing friend and I love him so much...


Petewentzismyne ::: Favorites
this is mah song! IT DESCRIBES ME!
07-09-14 04:46:36
DuaghterOfTheNorth ::: Favorites
I'm typing to tell everyone who typed that I have read you messages and that I care! I'm a Christian and I just want to say that there is alway hope. Even if the world just falls apart around us that God will NEVER stop caring about us nomater what the world or Satan throws our way. Nomater what we do or what happens to us. Choosing Jesus was the best choice of my life. I am praying for ya'll. DuaghterOfTheNorth.
07-09-09 16:30:21
freakyheartperson13 ::: Favorites
kkk... THANX!!! XOXO Chrysty Anne
07-09-09 11:00:52
beka8 ::: Favorites
I love this song! it means so much to me! thanx!
07-09-08 08:19:05
Lowi7 ::: Favorites
I know how tht feels, altho my mum is always there for me. Its why my friends are so important to me - they're the ones tht help me out with stuff. And I know how you feel wen u say no one notices u. Like ur in a room with only a few ppl but no one seems to see you or ur in a crowded room & u cldnt feel any mroe lonely. Anyways, if ya ever need to talk, just message me and I'll listen =]
07-09-06 06:37:43
freakyheartperson13 ::: Favorites
it also helps me because my parents dont believe me and they dont listen most of the time!!! Ciao' freakyheartperson13
07-09-04 20:33:08
freakyheartperson13 ::: Favorites
This song really helped me when i first listened to it... i cut ... and this song reminds me that its not worth it...i feel like noone notices me,,, well... im doing a little better... not cutting as much...Ciao' freakyheartperson13
07-08-31 22:38:05
Lowi7 ::: Favorites
i download all my music through Ares but if you only have limewire then i cld send u the song in an email?
07-08-22 15:14:37
budweiser1234 ::: Favorites
i tried to find this song on limewire, and i couldnt does anyone know where i can download it?
07-08-21 13:59:41
thecoolkid234 ::: Favorites
i love this song!...and i hope u the best!!!!
07-08-15 19:42:08

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