Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Why I Hate Dancing

Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-25 02:56:40
User: MeatyUrologist
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I explain.


thestrugglewithin ::: Favorites
Wow man, thats exactly me!! But your forced dancing is WAY better than mine :/ I dont see the fun in jerkinging torsos and flailing ones limbs around incoherently to a beat I dont even like! I've even observed others that 'can' dance so I might learn something. but as watched i realise that it still doesnt make sense ...why shake your arms up above your head (as if your trying to shake a trees branch to get your frisbee back) when it (like all club dancing) doesnt match the beat? Weird.
07-08-04 23:17:25
MeatyUrologist ::: Favorites
That forced dancing is much better than if I have to pretend to dance in any kind of real situation, due to my crushing self consciousness. It's quite awful, and makes me feel bad.
07-08-05 13:34:32
thestrugglewithin ::: Favorites
same here haha! did you end up going to 'goth night' anyway?
07-08-06 03:03:47
MeatyUrologist ::: Favorites
No. I had gone once, when we first started dating, but after that I told her she was on her own. Instead that night I stayed home and did laundry, and hit my shin on the way up my stairs that resulted in the most massive bruise I've ever had. It was pretty awesome.
07-08-06 10:21:14
thestrugglewithin ::: Favorites
lol good stuff, anything rather than dancing I say.
07-08-07 03:48:06
bunniex ::: Favorites
i told my husband before we got married.. that i don't sing and dance.. its not part of the Emma package deal sure enough we didn't even dance at our wedding. :)
07-05-29 01:50:56
endlessjoe ::: Favorites
I feel ya. I hate dancing and any activity that might lead others to dance ... and in turn, make them strong-arm ME into dancing. It feels like some sort of hyper-conscious full-body convulsion wherein I'm crying inside ... and jiggling on the outside. Fight the power.
07-05-28 02:13:38
MeatyUrologist ::: Favorites
You have just described PERFECTLY how I feel... as if we share a soul. Soul buddy.
07-05-28 14:58:31
thestrugglewithin ::: Favorites
ROFL! ditto!
07-08-04 23:18:17
yieldsigns ::: Favorites
Hmm. That's actually what it looks like when I dance, too, except I'm doing it on purpose. I think you should just run w/ it, dude.
07-05-26 14:18:22

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