Friday, October 26, 2007

Victoria Beckham Opts for Mel's Diner

Duration: 03:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-18 03:17:14
User: hollywoodtv
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Posh hits up Mel's Diner on Sunset today, and then rolls off in a black beauty of an auto. Before she pulls off, she touches up her makeup in the back seat (partially hidden by a gentleman trying to offer her privacy). Where are you off to now, Posh?


kingedward111 ::: Favorites
that guy is her security guard, and she went to the back seat to put baby cruz on his seating chair...why didnt you get it
07-10-21 13:25:02
jennie8518 ::: Favorites
i just wonder what are they eating?coz posh is really weight-obsessed woman.
07-10-21 03:59:29
btothekallday ::: Favorites
I would FUCK Posh real hard...THANKS.
07-10-20 01:08:30
MichaelJohnston91 ::: Favorites
I love Posh, but I love that car more! Good taste. ...Michael.
07-10-19 05:40:42

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