Monday, December 3, 2007

Goodby Ladybird

Duration: 00:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-12 10:22:40
User: gordonbloyershow
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Another lady that covered up her husbands adultry.


geroldkid ::: Favorites  2007-07-12 11:36:21

The adultery cover-ups by the loyal wives, it makes me want to scream at them for tolerating cheating. At the same time you gotta give it to them for tolerating it.
JHBowden ::: Favorites  2007-07-12 11:49:23

The Democrats seem to admire Hillary for the fact that Bill cheated on her. That makes Hillary a *victim*, and there is nothing more noble in the mind of many progressives than that.
DreamOn9208 ::: Favorites  2007-07-12 16:56:06

its a hard row to plow...a person in the public eye with a cheating husband...or wife...we cannot say what we would do unless we have walked that mile...I for one have...and I left that bleeding heart!
dansolisthinkyouth ::: Favorites  2007-07-12 18:33:19

yeh and your hero bush started a war that has killed thousands of people... what is worse?
ebostoned ::: Favorites  2007-07-12 20:34:18

Not everyone can be as morally upright Republicans that honor their Marriage commitments like: Senator Vitter, Rudy Guiliani, Newt Gingrich, Robert Livingston, and the list goes on and on, Hypocrites.
waytooambitious ::: Favorites  2007-07-13 02:03:33

Ronald Reagan, Fred Thompson, Rudy Guiliani, John McCain, Newt Gingrigh - all divorced, all breaking the commandment to honor and love until death do us part Bill and Hillary Clinton, recovering from his adultery, maintaining the sanctity of their marriage rather than divorcing, obeying the Word of God.
ccb1422 ::: Favorites  2007-07-15 23:02:30

Real nice meathead. One of the strongest, most revered women of our time and this is the best you can do? Nice flag shirt buddy. Go beat your wife again.
gordonbloyershow ::: Favorites  2007-07-15 23:07:51

"One of the strongest, most revered women of our time ", Is that a joke?
ebostoned ::: Favorites  2007-07-15 23:25:44

You are the joke, why do you hate this oountry so much that can't even find common ground to mourn the lose of good American. Even other Republicans including the Bushes could do that. Ignorance and hate......try something else.
Scottiepoo5612 ::: Favorites  2007-07-17 22:44:54

leontyne2 ::: Favorites  2007-08-11 19:18:11

Lady Bird's poop had more class than your loser life!
BeepathSkyclad ::: Favorites  2007-08-17 02:56:54

How funny. This ol'dude doesn't even like women, real massage parlor reject. I'd rather have president lying about blowjobs than lying us into war. As Chris Rock said, "no man turns down oral sex." So many right-wing stupids hate gays and we're finding out that they're the ones who really want to back into it. Foley, Haggard, et al. When I saw those towers coming down, I knew we were in for some real shit.
gordonbloyershow ::: Favorites  2007-08-17 07:33:06

Dingbat old lady.
BeepathSkyclad ::: Favorites  2007-08-17 09:57:36

You must be having your period, gordie bloyhard, get ya some Midol and a heating pad. Just stay away from children....schmuck....
gordonbloyershow ::: Favorites  2007-08-17 10:37:16

Just keep using the wisdom of Chris Rock to defend your ignorant positions.

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