Monday, December 3, 2007

On Reptilians - David Icke at Avebury - May 1, 2007 (2 of 7)

Duration: 10:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-01 14:18:21
User: Chrisky81
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Have you heard of reptilians? Have you wondered about shape-shifting? Do you think people who speak of these things are off their rockers? Well, whatever you think about these matters, you should have a listen to David Icke, who first broke the reptilian story into the public eye. Listen to David Icke explain: how he first became aware of the "shape-shifting reptilian" issue; how many people have come to him revealing their personal experiences on this matter; what connection the Illuminati have with all of this; why certain politicians seem to change personality as they get promoted through the ranks; how the transformation from human to reptilian to human takes place, and what the mechanism actually is; and much more. Approach this with an open mind, and you may actually take away something worthwhile.


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