Saturday, August 11, 2007

The ASU Is Dead (Mostly)

Duration: 727 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-05 21:31:29
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites

danielof2k6 ::: Favorites
What you said were whiny excuses for failing your own organization and giving up on it. You lose. Hard.
07-06-07 19:55:22
Swa6543 ::: Favorites
TAA don't give up on the organization
07-06-13 00:02:04
Swa6543 ::: Favorites
If you're suggesting atheist movements are divided against themselves you're right. But atheists will rise up and unite eventually.
07-06-13 00:04:22
Eleleth97 ::: Favorites
they will rise up like a angel of light, then be destroyed by the true light as they are really in darkness.
07-06-20 12:02:56
Eleleth97 ::: Favorites
im glad the athiests are going to unite, then the sons of light can destroy them as a whole. the war of knowledge is coming and you shall lose.
07-06-20 12:05:41
SmoshVideoLuvah ::: Favorites
I was intrested. But you, actually nobody, ever took notice of me. You cant say i didnt try too help.
07-06-23 18:19:12
SmoshVideoLuvah ::: Favorites
However, i really wish you still had the same passion. Islam, Buddism, Christianty, RELIGION needs too be tackled, head on. I thought you were the one too do it. Maybe one day everybody will come around and notice how fucking idiotic they all were. Somethings never fucking change. I hope one day you can get the ASU back up and running.. It was an amazing hope and a beautiful feeling that we had something.
07-06-23 18:23:59
Dalbert342 ::: Favorites
Amazing,the link too the ASU isnt working...I take it was taken off:(
07-07-18 05:57:21
TheistsNightmare ::: Favorites
I think the asu is probably a good idea in essence. The problem seems to be that you are trying to herd cats.
07-07-23 13:08:45
carnageinblack ::: Favorites
GO do something better with your fucking life! Humanity has never done anything good for itself and it never will.
07-08-04 18:30:49

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