Saturday, August 11, 2007

drunk dude attemps backflip

Duration: 36 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-17 16:11:48
User: masun3
:::: Favorites

drunk dude attemps backflip... ouch!

merka77 ::: Favorites
07-06-29 18:56:41
painbelow ::: Favorites
how could he survive?. I thought he had died.
07-07-03 21:14:37
shredder123 ::: Favorites
damn brutal
07-07-04 13:43:28
ballsack43 ::: Favorites
you fuckin dipshit haaa
07-07-21 04:18:57
6472743536 ::: Favorites
true.... russkie dalbayiobe.
07-07-22 00:29:45
ralucard ::: Favorites
bwahahahaha what an idiot
07-07-23 12:45:04
roncanation ::: Favorites
i cant watch this anymore...and i cant turn away either...gruesome!
07-07-26 22:28:56
holls87 ::: Favorites
i just can't get past the fanny-pak.....
07-07-30 03:12:44
abudi91 ::: Favorites
wawwhhaeawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawha, what a F**Kin loser :D
07-08-01 09:56:47
dyc523 ::: Favorites
that was hilarius lol he didnt really look drunk but w/e ahahha so funny
07-08-10 23:36:22

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