Saturday, August 11, 2007

Vittorio's Little Army

Duration: 54 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-03 13:40:01
User: TheAmazingAtheist
:::: Favorites

BudhagRizzo ::: Favorites
Hhmm... I can see how people may be offended by it, and I agree it is tacky and insolent. But I'd rather see AA having the freedom to use it when he wants. It's "the internets". You're going to see a lot of offensive things.
07-06-04 23:58:50
DICKcatcher99 ::: Favorites
your ugly fat bitch with no LIFE hahahahah You get no life !!! dude your a EMO bitch !! hahahahahaha its just intternet lol or do your subcribers give you a orgasm :D wel iam gonne use my little nice software and flag your ass 15000 times this day hahahahahahahahahhaa BEY BEY dude your fucked LOL!
07-06-05 00:22:42
DICKcatcher99 ::: Favorites
LOL tell that fat santa trick LOL !!\ HE GET NO LIFE hahahahahahaa youtube is his life you can see he is just awake and al ready behind his pec this dumb fat trick LMAO iam gonne use my software to flag theshit out of him!
07-06-05 00:23:55
BeatBuddy ::: Favorites
One of the concerns about using that word is the double standard. I'm not talking about this thread, but of life in general. Those who utter words like "nigger, spic, kike" usually apologize for being callous and insentivie, but when the word "faggot" is used, then the issue turns into free speech.
07-06-05 01:03:07
BudhagRizzo ::: Favorites
Well, I feel the same about people who chose to use those other slurs as well. People should have just as much freedom on the net using those slurs. I think the double standard is more apparent when the group who the slur is meant to offend is free to use it within these groups towards each other. If they hate hearing it from other people, they should stop using it themselves. (continued...)
07-06-05 01:53:48
BudhagRizzo ::: Favorites
I alway held it akin to not being able to talk about someone's mom while they are doing it all the time. Don't want me to do it? Stop doing it yourself! :)
07-06-05 01:54:02
J1Goro ::: Favorites
Can you not read?
07-06-05 05:30:36
J1Goro ::: Favorites
Atheists are tards. They can't even debate the comments left on their channels lets alone the simpleton videos they pick out for debate. I guess atheists can't read. It's relatively sad that they think they are edumacated in the way of our state. So says I.
07-06-05 05:34:21
BeatBuddy ::: Favorites
I never advocated the squelching of free expression, but the right to chastise against prejudiced remarks is also a right. However, there are tactful and not so tactful ways of doing it. I had an uncle who slapped his son on the mouth whenever he said fuck while the father used that word incessantly. :)
07-06-05 10:56:04
deadpisser88 ::: Favorites
lawl. You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny.
07-08-07 20:43:26

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