Sunday, August 12, 2007

Azrienoch PWNS Positive Atheism, 2 of 2

Duration: 504 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-09 23:01:58
User: azrienoch
:::: Favorites

Part Two of my amazing pwning talent! So here's the challenge: we need to come up with a better term for this thing. I suggest "doemanist atheism" or "bubble-gum, froofy little girl atheism".

rUTokKIN2ME ::: Favorites
Nice to see you laughing and smiling in both of these pwning vids. It segues well back into your discussion of words, language and meaning.
07-05-10 19:22:35
pdoeman ::: Favorites
Polite atheism? Lol.
07-05-10 20:48:01
tenthtry ::: Favorites
Passive Atheism is how I would describe my beliefs.
07-05-12 01:52:03
pdoeman ::: Favorites
Well, anyway; it was a great demonstration of self-ownership. Cheers.
07-05-13 19:33:57
azrienoch ::: Favorites
I think I've got a few more for you. tactful atheism ethical atheism fair atheism or just atheism (though there'd still be confusion over the latter)
07-05-16 11:20:59
necrozoophiliac ::: Favorites
Productive, constructive, or practical atheism, sound good to me. By the way, I follow wherever the evidence may lead. I believe the absence of all gods to be evident. I believe, that it is hard to believe in a belief system that makes believers believe in make believe.
07-06-11 20:29:02
necrozoophiliac ::: Favorites
I think it would be interesting to mock and copy religion and put a face to scientific terms. To create deities for the natural processes and natural phenomena that take place in the physical observable universe. Catering to the people we may regard as being potential atheists, heathen hopefuls, or the god belief challenged.
07-06-11 20:54:22
necrozoophiliac ::: Favorites
Imagine if we forgot how to use critical thinking and were intellectually dishonest and gave birth to the idea of a god of evolution, the spirits of antimatter, and subatomic particles, and black hole demons. Tales of galaxy formation gods that spawn billions of solar children, solar systems, life, life cycles, eco systems, consciousness, experience, and coexistence.
07-06-11 20:55:49
necrozoophiliac ::: Favorites
The gods of coalescence, planet composition, planet temperature, goldilocks zones and individual planet's distance from stars, also the spirits of gravity, strong and weak nuclear force, electricity, magnetism, and states of matter, the deities of relativity and quantum mechanics. The goddess of natural selection, and the deity of irreducible complexity, the mischievous vestigial organ and dinosaur bone fabricating demons,etc...
07-06-11 20:56:44
necrozoophiliac ::: Favorites
Although mocking Science as well, the humoring contrast might be absurd enough to us but believable to a theist. Throwing the supposed world accepted views of the theist into it, explaining evidence and observable reality away with a god of the gaps for everything most theists don't comprehend or want to understand. I personally find the idea amusing and thought provoking.
07-06-11 21:10:43

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