Sunday, August 12, 2007

UFO Disclosure Project, at home recorded testimonies P8/13

Duration: 575 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-30 15:03:28
User: dieterjan
:::: Favorites

PART 8/13 Witness describing a crashed craft he was told to investigate. Size, sounds, leaking fluid, holes, etc Army major tells about a landed (crashed) craft on an airfield and that the alien that got out was shot and killed. Witness describing 3 man made ufo's a colleague saw, floating in a hangar on Norton air force base. A video showed one of them in action. Flying by anti-gravity propulsion capable of doing light-speed or faster. A drawing of the interior is shown!!

requiemx ::: Favorites
lightspeed or better? Why cant i believe this?
07-05-29 20:41:28
BoDiggety ::: Favorites
I didn't just think myself across the galaxy. I bent or folded space to the point where I needed to go. I never had any "speed" at all. So how am I breaking the laws of physics? Is my logic WAY off?
07-05-30 10:29:25
PolarisOutpost ::: Favorites
Check out mine! Saucer with rotating lights UK Kent Birchington RODS Shooting around in a Field of Birchington UK
07-05-31 17:50:26
hammergirl74 ::: Favorites
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07-06-01 07:40:33
araidiasapphire ::: Favorites
This video is not working...It is stuck loading...Can you please fix it...???Thank you...Part 10 is not working either...It sux to miss parts of this set...
07-06-17 16:44:12
FetchTheSled ::: Favorites
Lightspeed or better? BS!!
07-06-25 19:38:47
GunnerGraham ::: Favorites
We say we can't traval the speed of light because Einstein says so.But the Einstein of his day a couple of hundred years ago,firmly stated the moon was made of cheese.
07-06-27 15:43:47
Jmuduke ::: Favorites
You people base all of your science on what we've been told. Our society hasn't been around that long, MAYBE we don't know everything!
07-07-02 02:02:35
ACGravity ::: Favorites
The purplish liquid is a mercury mased SUPERFLUID plasma. The same as was used in the NAZI Bell Experiment using Tesla's technology. Tesla had the idea that a rotating superconductor or superfluid could produce gravitomagnetic fields. He devised a device for rotating a superfluid by using a ferrofluid in a strong osciallating magnetic field.
07-08-07 19:28:44
nadinehugecuteyvj ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-09 12:21:22

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