Sunday, August 12, 2007

Will to Pride, 2 of 2

Duration: 415 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-19 10:22:04
User: azrienoch
:::: Favorites

Part two. A narrative essay I wrote last term.

tarekomak ::: Favorites
all good artists are miserable no one wants to hear how happy you are. this thing was chilling i really enjoyed it
07-06-20 06:50:47
Marcus9638 ::: Favorites
Great video. Loved the song at the end. Can you blow smoke rings?
07-06-20 11:03:30
azrienoch ::: Favorites
Not well enough to think to sing of it.
07-06-20 15:12:02
howtofoldsoup ::: Favorites
Nice's particularily funny that my mind was preparing an assault on you, for the choice you made, and the you started to talk about the absurdity of it. Cheers for the vid.
07-06-20 23:41:45
rUTokKIN2ME ::: Favorites
Az, what do you think causes this? The piece finishes, there is no applause, no cheering, actually, not even a sound. Nobody moves, as if they had been instructed to be perfectly still. But of course no such instructions were given. I have experienced this in my life, and I consider it one of the greatest compliments of my work. Thanks for reminding me of that. It took a day, but I'm clapping now.
07-06-23 00:59:43
azrienoch ::: Favorites
Thank you, rU. It's really the effect I go for much of the time. There's either this triumphant march or what you've seen, a sort of awe-strickenness. I like the latter the most, but I certainly like both. I've been working on a video to explain my style. It'll be fun, and might shed some lights on this.
07-06-23 01:11:43
Namari12 ::: Favorites
The idea that something as small as a love of cigarettes could cause something as large as a broken home boggles my mind.
07-06-23 15:04:59
likenfreude ::: Favorites
Thia is a coming of age story, and the worst youtube series of videos to watch while trying to quit smoking. Nobody talks about the special deliciousness of backsliding back to the cig (the fag; the butt; the coffin nail). Sniff, sniff. I think there's too much oxygen in here.
07-06-29 04:53:39
superultimatejesus ::: Favorites
Significant power of insignificance? Either way, I still prefer cigars to cigarettes. Though I can't say I've had a (obviously pleasurable) drag on a European cigarette.
07-07-05 16:29:51
rodletodge ::: Favorites
it happened the exact same to me walking, then saw my father walking, i didn't bother putting out my cigarette because i was sick of hiding it. he knows i smoke but he said as well i thought we agreed you where gonna quit i never said i would quit. so i managed to get away, he then said there's no smoking in the house, so i have to walk somewhere because my sisters and brothers are health freaks, but i know it will probably shorten my life span, but smoking is the best thing i have ever done.
07-07-17 21:44:37

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