Monday, August 13, 2007

*cough* Sellout! *cough*

Duration: 103 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 07:52:55
User: charlieissocoollike
:::: Favorites

There was a brief period where I wasn't actually making any money from the site... but It's all sorted out now. Phew! Remember.. the money is going towards a trip so that I can go to Namibia and help build facilities... so get buying! :P

Soaf666 ::: Favorites
Damn those seagulls!!! mwah x x x
07-08-11 10:52:50
speissy ::: Favorites
so gorgeous...
07-08-11 12:44:40
shortazn625 ::: Favorites
I don't know if I honestly would like your name on a pair off underwear...that's just taking it a bit too far :P But I like the shirts, and if you could figure out how to make a pair of sweatpants with your name going up the side, I would absolutely buy a pair :)
07-08-11 17:23:34
Im gonna but the "charlieissocoollike was here :P" undies hehe. I wonder how much of those you sold xD
07-08-11 20:13:53
ilfp512 ::: Favorites
uh ohhhhh, hope u dont die in nabia... whos vids am i gona watch when im BOARD
07-08-11 20:39:49
LoyalAllie ::: Favorites
Cafepress rox my sox! Yes seagulls are dumb...
07-08-11 21:28:04
cycoG ::: Favorites
u know, on ur site the one with the clothes and stuff, u spelt trekking wrong :(
07-08-12 08:01:46
dancer4life392 ::: Favorites
lol.. thong- charlie was here.
07-08-12 10:18:29
xxjodie2k6xx ::: Favorites
erm... y isit in dollars nd not pounds! i cnt buy n efin if its notin pounds
07-08-12 19:24:36
roxycagrl ::: Favorites
Wow. That is a beautiful view :) The water. No, you too Charlie... oh, alright. BOTH :)
07-08-12 22:50:22

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