Monday, August 13, 2007

Warner Receives an Iraq War Progress Report Card

Duration: 109 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-19 16:06:53
User: IraqSummer
:::: Favorites

Local school teacher Dottie Holtz along with Virginians present Senator John Warner with a "Progress Report Card" on the Iraq War. His voting record has not been with the majority of Americans. He Talks the talk - now he needs to walk the walk!

vabeach99 ::: Favorites
If a teacher has a student that consistently fails, that teacher knows, in order achieve success, the strategy must change. If that teacher is inept or just clueless on how to do this, others would step in and take charge. President Bush has made up his mind about Iraq and has little regard for the concerns of the majority of Americans. It is high time for Senator Warner to step-up and exert some leadership and vote YES to begin a phased redeployment of American troops.
07-07-22 16:28:41
imfeelinu ::: Favorites
Excellent! Let's continue to advance nonviolence!
07-07-22 18:39:30
vbteecha ::: Favorites
Thanks to all who continue to remind our representatives that they are accountable for their votes. Bring our heroic men and women home - TODAY not TOMORROW.
07-07-24 21:27:46
PattiW79 ::: Favorites
Senator Warner, you 'talk the talk' and it sounds like YES but when it comes time to vote you consistently vote NO. You can't have it both ways. Put your vote where your mouth is and bring our troops home!
07-07-24 22:43:04
tgkids ::: Favorites
Bring the troops home! PEACE on earth to men-of- goodwill.
07-07-24 23:14:54
kfadams ::: Favorites
Bravo to educator, Dottie Holtz, who knows how to effectively and honestly evaluate the performance of a representative! Thanks for representing the majority of Americans who want our troops to come home! These politicians are put in office to represent the views of their constituents...not to advocate their own personal partisan agenda! If our representatives refuse to represent us, then it's time to clean office. Attention All Politicians: "We, Americans, want to bring our troops home NOW!"
07-07-25 08:38:17
ilivnlaff2 ::: Favorites
Way to go TEAM PEACE!!!!!!
07-07-30 13:08:22
fordhamU ::: Favorites
Times passes too quickly! Moms and dads, consider this. When this war started your graduate was in Jr. high; your now-5th grader was still in kindergarten. How's that for "shock and awe"? E-mail your representatives and tell them to END THIS WAR!
07-07-31 18:54:46

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