Monday, August 13, 2007

Iraq Summer Iowa Launches "End the War" Lawn Sign Campaign

Duration: 64 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-30 18:23:19
User: IraqSummer
:::: Favorites

Part two of the news coverage from NBC local affiliate WHO-DM.

batesm ::: Favorites
All I hear on the news is that the war is going well. Maybe its you who needs to accept facts here.
07-08-01 19:56:21
grazon ::: Favorites
Let me guess your news comes from rush limbaugh and no one else?
07-08-01 19:58:00
batesm ::: Favorites
No...actually I watched ABC tonight. Stick that in your bong and spoke it, Hippie.
07-08-01 20:00:41
grazon ::: Favorites
Too lethargic to use the remote even? Man white trash sure are lazy.
07-08-01 20:27:47
batesm ::: Favorites
...white trash? You may as well have called me a Maltese fisherman as much as you know me. You tend to make extreme conclusions don't you? Too lethargic to use...UH? My point was ABC news is not hawkish by any means but they still report the progress. Bag of hammers, you are. Grow up, kid.
07-08-01 21:17:41
grazon ::: Favorites
I tend to make extreme conclusions? Does the phrase "Stick that in your bong and spoke it, Hippie." sound familiar?
07-08-01 21:30:46
batesm ::: Favorites
You really don't have an argument for the subject at hand, do you? You came close when you talked about what was predicted. As a combat veteran, I can tell you all plans go out the window once the shooting starts. That doesn't mean you should whimper, throw up your hands and say, "All is lost!" How about seeing the nobility in what our troops are trying to do?! How about being AMERICAN instead of being a seditious little Nay Bob?! How about VICTORY?
07-08-01 21:51:30
grazon ::: Favorites
Nice try at avoiding the question. Here I'll ask you again maybe this time you'll answer it. you say I tend to make extreme conclusions? Does the statement "Stick that in your bong and spoke it, Hippie." sound familiar? Cowboy up and answer the question.
07-08-01 21:53:42
batesm ::: Favorites
My questions are more important. I understand your priorities now. Very predictable. Opinion, not fact. Ad hominem attacks, not debate. You're a troll. You're not here to debate, you're here to insult. I'm finished trying to engage you.
07-08-01 22:11:27
grazon ::: Favorites
Your questions are less important and you don't understand my priorities. Your a troll and a coward who tells people "Stick that in your bong and spoke it, Hippie" and then claims others make extreme conclusions. Now run along and pretend to be an adult somewhere else.
07-08-01 22:14:46

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