Tuesday, August 28, 2007

g0at visits " Rez Week" Part 1 of 2

Duration: 08:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-06 03:16:39
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

Check out PART 2! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwjA4bsnbjQ This is the 3rd installment of my " Interview series!" g0at represents the rational response squad at "Rez Week" on the University of Texas campus. superman ass asshole george bush usa vice president titanic sinking ship is gay free hugs campaign prank call the simpsons family guy passions teacher police chase renetto guitar piano rock pop dance hiphop fire burn july of christmas xmas easter asians asian kissing kiss hot cold iraq war hitler ww2 wwii world war 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d f g h j k l p o i u y t r e w q z x c v b n m letters numbers 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 number 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 200 299 301 302 298 300 shit fuck wank wanker cunt bitch dog populatity new york manga anime hollywood famous places celebraty global warming climate change al gore george james blunt sucks prodigy rocks snow rain wet porn nude hot club penguin Acoustic lyrics guitar england uk united kingdom fifa world cup usa america canada fuck autism autistic awareness syndrome is crazy mcdonalds jack in the box 360 jpop jrock rap 50 reggaton daddy yankee azumanga daioh episode start wars GTA Grand theft auto japanese chineses english spanish puerto rico great gasby windows vista psp ps3 zelda paper mario naruto shippudnen burger king horrible horror club eminem cool vlog log juts simpsons cartoon network 20th 21st century fox bbc mtv dance chart radio cnn news Greenteagirlie greenteagurlie greenteagirIie headline dave chapelle mind of mencia lonelygirl15 rentto williamsled smosh cbs lost monty pothon abc nbc family guy megaman flaggers taco bell kfc subbed dubbed spiral chobits o rly nigga 50 cent viacom sucks yankess mlb nba nhl nascar fighting student sexy time eureka 7 100 101 105 love hina ipod anal boobs fuck pizza documentary mingy xbox hack rom hacking cd disc cock dick scottosh fold iphone phone penis penisland island ships 9/11 911 terrorict terror attack world trade center towers blow up renetto iraq war hitler clothes topless crash bandicoot team racing playstation sony microsoft nintendo wii ebay note adobe final cut apple premiere news online outkast birds bees community communist revolver gun shotgun hunting deer bear dick cheney condoleeza late nite early morning hell Most Popular Tags cyber space nasa galaxy mars saturn uranus pluto nasa rocket rocketscience science landscape countryside nature advertisment sonic hedgehog rayman kid friendly kid-friendly child moddles 2006 2007 220 accident animal animals animation anime atheist baby bleach blog bowl car cars cat cats comedy commercial southpark south park halo halo2 halo3 gameplay preview deleted scene cut out editing edit cool crash one piece death note crazy cute dance day de death bob deutschland dog ella episode full episode fight football fun funny funny game gay gear girl girls god guitar hana high hot humor james japan japan japanese la live live love man movie music music naruto naruto new new rap religion rock s.h.e s.h.e. school sex sexy show soccer song super super top tv tv two video video vs war weilun wii world world you youtube 光芒音樂會 吳尊 吴尊 汪東城 花样少年少女花樣少年少女 許瑋倫 飛輪海飞轮海 季節の話題プテロダクティルス 投票・推薦 季節の話題 冬 - 樹氷 - なまはげ - かまくら - 謝肉祭/カーニバル - 蝋梅 - 旧正月/春節 - 福寿草 - デコポン - スケート - ワカサギ - 猫柳 今日のこよみ スコティッシュ・フォールド

martitemptingmommali ::: Favorites
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07-08-06 22:23:25
musicislove1230 ::: Favorites
The music is too loud, I can't hear what the people are saying :/
07-07-18 15:03:47
Chimpdaddy ::: Favorites
Direct quote: "ur stupid 4 doubting god just read the bible dont question these people & make them have doubts about god" Wow, it is amazing to see inside the mind of a christian. Don't doubt, don't ask questions, just read the bible and believe. If these people were really well-footed in their belief, they should have answers to these simple questions which have been around for centuries.
07-07-07 12:58:31
stopnagging ::: Favorites
the filmaker asks really dumb questions...really silly.
07-05-20 13:33:33
Whimsicology ::: Favorites
No, you cannot sharply separate the two in principle. If I had the PHYSICAL will to prevent myself from feeling pain and experiencing death, this clearly would have MORAL implications for the rightness/wrongness of someone trying to stick a knife in me. God choosing to limit one has implications for the other. Pain and suffering and happiness cannot be detached from material existence, despite all this happy horseshit talk about religious "transcendence" and other handwaving.
07-05-20 13:19:19
milwrift ::: Favorites
But you are physically restricted in regards to universal laws, you may have some physical will over your body, but you are still restricted. Morally however, you are not restricted(according to christian dogma).
07-05-20 15:00:10
Whimsicology ::: Favorites
Yes, but that's the point being made. When asked why God wouldn't just restrict evil, Christians claim it's because God loves us enough so as to not restrict our free will. But what about flight? He didn't love us that much? Now they can argue an arbitrary distinction between physical and moral laws all they want, but there is none. As I already said, you cannot detach moral qualities from the physical world.
07-05-20 15:23:19
milwrift ::: Favorites
Because flight wouldn't be necessary. You have the physical will to murder, but you also have the moral will not to. You have the physical will to heal, and have the moral right to do it. Moral free will is not materialistic to christians as what evolutionary evidence sugggests.
07-05-20 15:30:03
Whimsicology ::: Favorites
The point is that if god restricts something, then we don't have free will, ergo the free will argument cannot be invoked to defend the existence of evil activities. Taking away my ability to cause death and suffering is no more or less restrictive to my will than taking away my ability to fly by flapping my arms, which has already been done.
07-05-20 16:06:51
milwrift ::: Favorites
Then you would just have LESS free will than you can potentially have. The christian God only judges you on how you use the abilites he gave you, correct?
07-05-25 23:51:21
Whimsicology ::: Favorites
Well yes, less free will. That's the point. Christians can't say evil is necessary for free will, because our free will is already restricted, so taking away evil is just one more restriction. Thus evil is NOT necessary, and the problem of theodicy remains unsolved.
07-05-26 04:24:21
milwrift ::: Favorites
I don't understand, just because you have less freewill does not make evil unecessary in regards to freewill. Looking at the 7 deadly sins, most human beings are physically able to commit these sins. Those who are not are unnatural, they are exceptions to the rule.
07-05-27 15:54:16
Whimsicology ::: Favorites
I'm not claiming humans are not capable of committing sins. I'm refuting one line of apologetics for theodicy. The issue is why would god allow evil to exist in the first place? Christians say if we didn't have evil, we wouldn't truly have free will. But lack of evil would be just another restriction, like lack of ability to fly, which we already can't do, but nobody says we don't have "true" free will as a result. So that apologetic doesn't work. I'm not sure what else you are saying.
07-05-28 03:57:41
milwrift ::: Favorites
"Christians say if we didn't have evil, we wouldn't truly have free will." Not necessarily. This would mean that god, angels, and satan do not have free will. They just choose good/evil 100% of the time, without taking their power to choose otherwise. Ability to fly and the ability to choose evil is comparing apples and oranges.
07-05-28 23:05:48
Whimsicology ::: Favorites
First of all, yes many Christians do believe what is in the quotes. There may be some that take a different approach to theodicy, but then we are not addressing them. Second of all, that statement doesn't imply that god, angels and satan lack free will, so I'm not sure where you got that. And lastly, it is not an apples and oranges comparison. A restriction is a restriction, and it is a special plead to just say "well, this one's different" without specifying why.
07-05-28 23:24:10
milwrift ::: Favorites
Why are they different? Because the definition of morality and physicality are different. Christian definition of free will is MORAL liberty, not physical liberty.
07-05-29 16:38:32
Whimsicology ::: Favorites
I said in my very first post that those two are not distinguishable, so it's a vacuous defense. If we were PHYSICALLY such that we could not feel pain or suffering or be killed, this would have very obvious MORAL consequences. A Christian can draw an arbitrary line between the two in his head if it helps him pyschologically cope with theodicy, but that doesn't mean a meaningful distinction actually obtains in reality.
07-05-29 17:03:44
milwrift ::: Favorites
Assuming that most christians are dualists, then moral actions are not dependant on physical ability, but rather spiritual.
07-05-29 17:46:40
stopnagging ::: Favorites
atheism = fallacy
07-05-08 12:39:34
Whimsicology ::: Favorites
How the hell can atheism be a fallacy? It's a philosophical position, not an inference. Do you even know what a fallacy is?
07-05-20 13:15:57

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