Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Re:Re: Dear God? - Episode 12 & Responding to Messages

Duration: 10:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-30 02:30:26
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

yes another " Response" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXObn7N0jLQ

floats09 ::: Favorites
I agree g0at, but what do you say to those that say, "God knows what is going to happen, but he didn't determine what you were going to do, you do." I know it's a weak argument, but it's used all the time.
07-04-02 20:18:52
g0at ::: Favorites
Yes it is the most difficult thing to get a christian to understand. Sometimes it could take an hour. Some christians think paradoxes are " divine". That's when you need to just change the subject . ^^
07-04-02 22:38:25
floats09 ::: Favorites
I'm agnostic, but it really gets my g0at when people refer to God as a "he." That denotes sexuality. God doesn't need a penis unless there is a Mrs. God. "God created man in his image and man returned the favor."
07-04-02 04:30:46
g0at ::: Favorites
Ah yes, But the bible is centered around MAN. Check out Peter, Paul, what they wrote bout women. Even in romans(16:7), Junias was changed to junia because they didn't want a woman apostle. ( the only female ) versions like the King james version CHANGES it.
07-04-02 15:02:31
floats09 ::: Favorites
I'm on your side g0at, but what do you say to Christians who say, "all the pain in the world is just God's test to us"? Your faith must be tested by pain to see if you are worthy of entering "his" kingdom. C.S. Lewis wrote we must have pain to have free will, but in heaven, there is no pain, so therefore no free will?
07-04-02 04:27:01
g0at ::: Favorites
Great question. There are many paradoxes associated with an all powerful all knowing god. You can attack this problem right at the roots. how can you have free will in the first place? An all powerful all knowing god created everything with an intention. Some to die a horrible death at age 5, and some to live to 95.
07-04-02 15:00:10
traxas13 ::: Favorites
I totally agree, Religions, do not respect each other, and they do not promote peace to the world. It rather looks as if they promote hatred against each other. Just a thought. Take care
07-04-02 00:04:42
TogetherForPeace ::: Favorites
Do you know what Christians believe prayer is? what's its purpose?
07-04-01 18:47:02
g0at ::: Favorites
You could speak for yourself. But yes, I have had prayer explained to me in MANY ways. My definition? Petitioning an all knowing all perfect creator. It is a paradox, really, if you think about it. Can you pray a prayer and have god not know what you are asking for before you ask? no? So really.. It is pointless to start.
07-04-01 21:28:15
TogetherForPeace ::: Favorites
Kicesie...it appears you know your stuff...keep on keepin on...peace
07-04-01 18:37:43
TogetherForPeace ::: Favorites
G0at-most sensable people?so what constitutes sensible? Free thought doesnt make you smart, or intelligent, or rational, or logical.The fallacies presents in your posts are evidence that free thought or not you havent studied the Bible
07-04-01 18:35:03
TogetherForPeace ::: Favorites
so G0at when was the last time you went to a church where women didnt talk in church? Hmmm maybe just maybe the vast majority of Christian Pastors have actually studied the Bible and take into consideration that which you conveniently leave out.
07-04-01 18:31:29
floats09 ::: Favorites
Read Leviticus and tell me we should or should have EVER followed those rules.
07-04-02 04:31:52
DarwinsHamster ::: Favorites
What does it mean to respect someone else's religion, or to respect religion at all? Apparently theists want us to believe that this means just to be quiet and say nothing.
07-03-31 13:56:12
undefinedego ::: Favorites
exactly, i respect there beliefs so far as i do not kill them or cause physical harm, but that doesn't mean im going to shut up and just watch them rape children's minds.
07-03-31 16:15:08
g0at ::: Favorites
Good point. I think racists are dumb. So should I let them enslave black people? Let's think... :)
07-04-01 03:57:38
g0at ::: Favorites
kicesie, have fun! Cover your eyes, go run in a corner and say " JESUS JESUS JESUS " and it will all go away. oh and I wouldn't be so mad if she had ACCEPTED my video response. She didn't even accept my response in the first place! how inconsiderate is that! Talk about respect.. I would accept ANY video response no matter WHAT it said!
07-03-30 20:44:47
kingcharlemagne23 ::: Favorites
you are incredible... like i can't even explain
07-03-30 18:29:35
Mjhavok ::: Favorites
Why don't you respect g0at's belief not to respect all beliefs?
07-03-30 17:44:27
Mjhavok ::: Favorites
Kicesie you are being naive. Do you really respect all beliefs? What about a nazi? A racist? A child molester? A terrorist? You respect their beliefs? They all have beliefs how come you don't respect them?
07-03-30 17:43:50

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